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What is Pandora FMS?

Pandora FMS is a monitoring software oriented to all kinds of environments. It is oriented to serve in all types of roles and organizations. Your goal is to be flexible enough to manage and control your entire infrastructure without investing time or money in other tools.

FMS is an acronym for “Flexible MMonitoring System”.

Pandora FMS currently has agents for all operating systems on the market. It can be used successfully not only to monitor systems, but also all kinds of network devices, either using SNMP, through TCP, ICMP and UDP protocol probes or Software Agents .

About the documentation

The evolution of the Pandora FMS project

Pandora FMS was born from a personal development of its original author, Sancho Lerena, in 2003. Initially it was 100% open source and over the years the need arose to offer a version oriented to large companies: Pandora FMS Enterprise, capable of processing large volumes of information through the Metaconsole.

A look at the features of Pandora FMS

Remote Monitoring

When talking about remote monitoring, it refers to the fact that the Pandora FMS server is the one that polls, regularly or synchronously, the devices that you want to monitor. This synchronous polling process is known as polling or remote monitoring.

Remote monitoring is generally used:

This monitoring, when it is synchronous, is always carried out in the same direction: from the monitoring server to the monitored element and can be carried out with the most widespread protocols, SNMP and WMI (MS Microsoft®).

When it is the opposite case it is monitoring asynchronous, and is generally referred to as SNMP traps.

Finally, you can always monitor network elements by using TCP (for example: HTTP protocol or SMTP protocol) or ICMP (for example: ping or latency time) tests.

Local monitoring (with software agents)

When talking about systems and applications, the best way to obtain information is directly about the system, executing commands or consulting the system's data sources from the machine itself to be monitored. To execute some kind of command, script or make some kind of query about the system or application, the Software Agent of Pandora FMS is used.

Software Agents, in addition to their essential function of obtaining information through commands, include another series of advanced functions, such as obtaining inventory information. They can also be configured to act proactively in the event of a problem or failure, automatically interacting with the system, deleting a temporary file or executing a command. When a Software Agent cannot have direct contact with the designated Pandora FMS server, it may use a Satellite Server PFMS or an agent broker.

Monitoring procedures

Before beginning a deployment stage, it is important to consider which are the critical and most important points of the technological platform that is going to be monitored. In this way, before having specific data information about the systems, it is possible to know what to do with them and how to exploit the entire utility without wasting time on investigations or more trivial details.

Action procedures

In order to develop action procedures, the following must be taken into account:

Before entering configurations, it is advisable to be clear about these concepts, draw up diagrams with the critical elements, how to monitor them, what to do with all the information collected and how to report any problems that appear.

Supervision models

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