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Create ticket


Method -m get,post,put o delete
host -i, --ip name site zendesk
user -us name user (email)
password -p pass  API
token -t  token  API
ticket name -tn name ticket
ticket comment -tb content ticket
ticket id -id id ticket
ticket status -ts new,open,hold, pending,solved o closed
ticket priority -tp urgent,high,normal o low
ticket type -tt problem, incident,question, task


You can authenticate in the API with token or pass as you have configured it in zendesk. To do so, enter the required argument.

The group creation options are: name, comment (message body), status, priority and type.

The id is automatically assigned to the ticket.

Example of ticket creation with manual execution.

python3 -m post  -i pandoraplugin -us <email> -p <api-pass> -tn "manual" -tb "esto es el contenido de la incidencia" -tp urgent -tt "question" -ts new

That command will create the following ticket :


