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Parameters and configuration


--generate_password To generate an encrypted password (if this password is to be used later for connection, it must be entered in the configuration option "password" and the option "use_encrypted_password" must also be activated in the configuration file with 1.
--as_discovery_plugin Option to use it in discovery mode.

Configuration blocks

The configuration file is divided into the following blocks

  • Configuration
  • Datacenter
  • Datastore
  • ESX
  • VM
  • Rename
  • Reject
  • Header

Each of the blocks is specified in the configuration file by entering its parameters below these blocks, for example :

user pandorafms
pass P@$5w0rd!
datacenter ha-datacenter

Each block and its options are detailed below:


Under the configuration block you can specify the following parameters

Global configuration

server Name or IP of the server to monitor
user Account user
pass Account password
datacenter  Datacenter where the plugin will point to
temporal Path where temporary files will be stored
logfile Path where the log file will be stored
entities_list Path where the entities_list file will be created (more information about this file below)
transfer_mode Execution mode, the two possible options are local or tentacle
local_folder Path of the folder where the XML of the agents will be created for the local transfer mode (transfer_mode = local)

pandora URL (only if required to use the event mode of the plugin)

api_pass pandora api password (only if required to use the plugin event mode)
api_user pandora api user (only if required to use plugin events mode)
api_user_pass Pandora api user password (only if required to use plugin event mode)
event_mode To activate the vCenter event monitoring, it is activated with 1. The events are copied to the Pandora FMS event list and become part of its normal flow (requires connectivity with the Pandora FMS console API).
event_pointer_file Path where the event_pointer_file file will be saved.
tentacle_ip tentacle IP, required if the plugin is executed in transfer_mode tentacle
tentacle_port Tentacle port, default is 41121
tentacle_opts Additional options for file transfer to the specified Tentacle server
virtual_network_monitoring Enables monitoring of virtual switches with value 1
use_encrypted_password Enables use of an encrypted password with value 1
threads Number of threads to be used by the plugin in agent creation
interval Interval in seconds in which the plugin agents are created
recon_interval Interval in seconds after which the temporary entity cache file will be automatically deleted to rescan the VMware® infrastructure.
group Group where the agents will be created
use_ds_alias_as_name Triggers the use of datastore agent alias as agent name with value 1
statsinterval Interval in seconds for statistics taken using the "custom_performance" option
flat_datastore_agents Triggers creation of a single agent for datastores with name "VMWareDatastores" with value 1
use_ds_entity_name Enables use of Datastore name as agent name with value 1