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Download the Jolokia agent from the official website:

Jolokia Agent Securisation (WAR)

You can assign security policies to restrict both access and use of the options available in the Jolokia agent.

These restrictions can be specified in a policy XML file. This file is divided into sections with which you can control various parameters:

IP-based restrictions
General access can be allowed based on the IP address of an HTTP client. This restriction is specified in the<remote> section, it will contain <host> elements. The source can be an IP address, a hostname, or a network in CIDR format.

The following example allows access from localhost and all clients on the network


Command Restrictions

You can restrict the commands that will be allowed to be executed in a general way, by specifying which commands are allowed. To do this, use the <commands> section by specifying each command with a <command> element.

The following example enables the commands READ, LIST, SEARCH and VERSION . The other commands ( WRITE, EXEC ) would not be available:


There are restrictions on mbeans queries and request sources. Full help is available at the following link:

Example security policy

This example allows connection from localhost and network The available commands are also limited to READ,LIST,VERSION and SEARCH.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Inclusion of a security policy

To repackage a policy in the WAR file of the Jolokia agent, you must follow these steps
following steps:

# Donwload war agent
$ jolokia


Note: You can download it manually from:

# Download the sample policy template
# in the local directory as "jolokia-access.xml".
$ jolokia download --policy

Note : If you received errors when executing the previous steps, you can download the sample policy from

Edit the policy and place the jolokia-war-VERSION.war file and the jolokia-access.xml file in the same directory.

# Repack the to add the policy file 'jolokia-access.xml' form the cwd
$ jolokia repack --policy jolokia.war

You should receive an output similar to the following:

$ jolokia repack --policy jolokia-war-1.5.0.war
* Adding policy WEB-INF/classes/jolokia-access.xml to


You can perform a verification of the contents of the WAR file with the following command:

# Show current state (policy file include: yes/no)
$ jolokia jolokia.war

Jolokia on WebSphere

To install the proxy on IBM Websphere. Perform the following steps:
Select from the side menu:
Applications > New Application