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Plugin options

  • Action (--Action '<create/close>'): With the "create" option, the plugin creates or updates tickets. The "close" option is used to close them.


    Asset (--Asset '<cmdb_asset>'): The name of the asset that will be used in the incident. If the asset is not found, a generic one will be used.


    Agent (--Agent '<pandora_agent_name>'): The name of the Pandora agent that generated the alert.


    Module (--Module '<pandora_module_name>'): The name of the module that generated the alert.


    Module ID (--IdModule '<pandora_module_id>'): The numerical ID of the module that generated the incident.


    ServiceNow URL (--Host '<login_url>'): Base URL of ServiceNow.


    ServiceNow Incident Integration URL (--HostAPIUrl <sn_integration_url>): URL for ServiceNow incident integration (e.g., /api/customer/incident_integration/).


    Authentication Type (--Auth '<basic/oauth>'): This integration uses "basic," but OAuth is included as an option.


    ServiceNow User (--User '<sn_user>'): Username for accessing ServiceNow.


    ServiceNow Password (--Pass '<sn_pass>'): Password for the ServiceNow user specified in --User.


    Proxy URL (--ProxyUrl ‘<proxy_url>’): URL for proxy access. Optional.


    Proxy User (--ProxyUser ‘<proxy_user>’): Username for proxy access. Optional.


    Proxy Password (--ProxyPass ‘<proxy_pwd>’): Password for the proxy user specified in --ProxyUser. Optional.


    Pandora API URL (--PandoraAPI '<pandora_api_url>'): URL for accessing the Pandora FMS API (e.g., https://pandoraserver/pandora_console/include/api.php).


    Pandora API Password (--PandoraAPIPass '<pandora_apipass>').


    Pandora Access User (--PandoraUser '<pandora_user>'): User for accessing Pandora FMS. Must have at least AW permissions.


    Pandora Access Password (--PandoraPass '<pandora_pass>’): Password for the user specified in --PandoraUser.


    Assignment Group (--Group '<ticket_assignment_group>’): ServiceNow group to which the created incident will be assigned.


    Impact (--Impact '<ticket_impact>’): Priority of the incident created in ServiceNow.


    Title (--Title '<ticket_short_description>’): Title of the incident in ServiceNow. Only required when opening incidents.


    Description (--Message '<ticket_description>’): Description of the incident in ServiceNow.


    Incident State (--State '<ticket_state>’): Numeric code for the incident state. Only required when closing incidents.


    Log File (--Log '<log_file>’): Full path to the log file where the plugin execution data will be stored. Optional.

Complete example of a manual call to open (or update) incidents:

pandora_sn_ticket.64 --Action 'create' --Auth 'basic' --Host '' –-HostAPIUrl '/api/customer/incident_integration/' --PandoraAPI '' --User 'sn-user' --Pass 'sn-pass' --PandoraUser 'pandora_user' --PandoraPass 'pandora_pass' --PandoraAPIPass 'pandora_apipass' --Asset 'MYSERVER' --Agent 'MYSERVER' --Module 'CPU Load' --IdModule '12345' --Group 'infrastructure' --Impact '1' --Title 'Host MYSERVER is overloaded' --Message '2024/10/22 09:16:53 - Host MYSERVER CPU usage is too high - Data: 97% - Module status: critical' --Log '/tmp/pandora_sn.log'

Complete example of manual call for incident closure:

/pandora/pandora_sn_ticket.64 --Auth 'basic' --Host '' –-HostAPIUrl '/api/customer/incident_integration/' --PandoraAPI '' --User 'sn-user' --Pass 'sn-pass' --PandoraUser 'pandora_user' --PandoraPass 'pandora_pass' --PandoraAPIPass 'pandora_apipass' --Module 'CPU Load' --IdModule '12345' --Message '2024/10/22 14:04:17 - Host MYSERVER CPU usage is OK now - Data: 24% - Module status: normal' --State '1' [--Log '/tmp/pandora_sn.log']

Examples of alerts

Below are a couple of examples of alert configuration: opening and closing of events, which will be separated into two commands and two different actions.

In order to make the integration more flexible, it is recommended to use macros in the fields of the commands that need dynamic information. In this case, macros for agent, module and module ID aliases (_agent_, _module_, _id_module_) are used, as well as alert-specific macros (_fieldx_) to facilitate the customization of actions.

Creation/updating of incidents (high priority)


Ejemplo de comando de alerta para crear incidencias


Example of alert action to create incidents

Closing of incidents


Example of alert command to close incidents


Example of alert action to close incidents