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-h, --help
Help information on the plugin arguments.
-c, --collectdctl
Path of collectdctl.
-r, --add_regexp Regular expression (regexp) to add metrics (by default .*).
-R, --ignore_regexp Regular expression (regexp) to remove metrics (by default none).
-d, --agent_description Description of the agent created by the plugin (by default "Agent from pandora_collectd").
-a, --agent_alias Name of the agent created by the plugin (by default pandora_collectd).
-i, --tentacle_ip IP address of the Tentacle server (by default
-p, --tentacle_port Tentacle port (by default 41121).
-O, --tentacle_extra_opts Tentacle extra options (by default none)
-v, --verbose Displays all values obtained on the screen.

Python regular expressions