Parameters and configuration
--conf | Path to configuration file |
Configuration file (--conf)
agents_group_name = < Name of the target group for the created agents >
threads = < Number of execution threads, each zone/instance will be equally distributed in the number of threads >
interval = < Interval in seconds for agents and for metric analysis >
transfer_mode = < Transfer mode, tentacle or local >
tentacle_ip = < IP of the target machine for the created agents >
tentacle_port = <tentacle port, default: 41121>
tentacle_opts = < Tentacle client additional options >
data_dir = < (Only activated if the transfer_mode is local) Destination path for the XML of each agent, by default "/var/spool/pandora/data_in/" >
advance_monitoring = < Activate with 1 to enable generalized monitoring (these modules will only be created in the agents of the instances that are running) >
cpu_summary = < Enable with 1 to enable CPU monitoring >
iops_summary = < Enable with 1 to enable IOPS monitoring >
disk_summary = < Enable with 1 to enable disk monitoring >
network_summary = < Enable with 1 to enable network monitoring >
stats_agent = < Activate with 1 to enable a global agent that will monitor based on the task created and the parameters used >
stats_agent_name = < Name for the agent that is activated with the "stats_agent" parameter. If you do not use and "stats_agent" is enabled, the agent will be called "azure" by default > >
azure_zones = < List with the zones to monitor (when a zone is marked to monitor, it automatically monitors all the instances found within that zone) >
azure_instances = = < List with the instances to monitor >
creds_b64 = < Base64 credentials in the JSON file to authenticate >
agents_group_name = azure
interval = 3600
threads = 5
transfer_mode = tentacle
tentacle_client = tentacle_client
tentacle_ip =
tentacle_port = 41121
data_dir = /var/spool/pandora/data_in/
advance_monitoring = 1
cpu_summary = 1
iops_summary = 1
disk_summary = 1
network_summary = 1
stats_agent = 1
stats_agent_name = azureCloud
azure_zones = ["uksouth","ukwest"]
azure_instances = ["instance-1","instance-2","instance-3",instance-4"]