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Bienvenido a la comunidad de Pandora FMS Forums Community support Update of the version of Pandora FMS v7.0NG.767 to Pandora FMS v7.0NG.772

  • Update of the version of Pandora FMS v7.0NG.767 to Pandora FMS v7.0NG.772

    Posted by John on agosto 11, 2023 at 17:24

    Update of the version of Pandora FMS v7.0NG.767 to Pandora FMS v7.0NG.772, all the agents, visual consoles, alerts and modules are there, but the great novelty is that the modules do not start, they do not have communication with the server.

    Can you please help me, what should I review and validate so that the agents can get the modules working again.

    Fran replied 1 year, 4 months ago 2 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Fran

    agosto 11, 2023 at 18:04
    226 Karma points
    Community rank: tentacle-noob-1 Tentacle noob
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    Good afternoon John,

    The environment update does not modify any configuration at agent level. have you stopped the server before the update, have you restarted the server after the update, have you checked that the agents have communication with the server? If so, you can use tentacle to send a file from the agent to the server to rule out XML sending problems. Do the remote monitoring modules, for example Host-Alive, report?

    Best regards

  • John

    agosto 14, 2023 at 21:28
    147 Karma points
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    Good afternoon Frank,

    I tell you that if I restarted several times after the update and without positive results.

    None of the remote modules have communication, nor does the host alive.

    I also tried adding one via discovery and it never finds the address.

    This happened after the update, before that everything worked without problems.

  • Fran

    agosto 16, 2023 at 13:43
    226 Karma points
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    Good afternoon,

    As I told you the update can not affect the network communication if you can not perform a ping from the server to the agents is a problem of communication / network not the update in the same way remember that for the proper functioning of the platform environments in 772 must have php in version 8 (this was already implemented in version 768 of Pandorafms)

    PHP 7.4 version 759 to 767
    PHP 8.0 version 768 – currently

    Check the communication between the server and the agents and that the environment is correctly configured and with the corresponding php.

    Best regards

  • John

    agosto 17, 2023 at 16:13
    147 Karma points
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    good morning,

    Greetings Fran, I’m going to tell you that I’m going to carry out the tests again because I had to return to the control point, since nothing on the platform was working for me.

    I’m going to redo the migration to version 772 and I’ll send you the screenshots.

  • John

    agosto 17, 2023 at 18:17
    147 Karma points
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    Good day,

    Greetings Fran, this time I update the version of Pandora FMS v7.0NG.767 to Pandora FMS v7.0NG.770, and again it presents the same novelty.

    Until FMS v7.0NG.769, all the modules worked without problems, I attach the respective evidences to validate.

    ping the IPs of the agents and reach them without problems, the version of PHP8.0.26.

    Stay tuned.

  • John

    agosto 17, 2023 at 22:39
    147 Karma points
    Community rank: tentacle-noob-1 Tentacle noob
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    Greetings, Fran, I am trying to attach the images and it remains to send. how do i make it so you can see it

  • Fran

    agosto 18, 2023 at 10:41
    226 Karma points
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    Good morning,

    The behavior you are experiencing is not normal, and I reiterate that the upgrade does not cause a loss of communication or display with the modules/agents. As a good practice, first of all, you should upgrade to the latest LTS 772 version, remember that they are the most stable versions, and you should be at least on the latest lts always. If you have software agents, they should be on the same version as the Pandora FMS server. Once the environment has been updated and checked, we can perform tests to check why this behavior is occurring.
