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  • ULTIMIOS EVENTOS en Pandora 2.0

    Posted by churria on octubre 22, 2008 at 11:09


    Pandora Beta 2.0 instalado en Debian eth
    Ahora, en la pantalla inicial (y lógicamente también en la de Eventos) contínuamente veo como últimos eventos pasan a estado down. Pero en realidad está funcionando, y en la pantalla de “Gestión de Servidores” o en el recuadro “Vista táctica del Servidor” aparecen como correctos.

    He visto que efectivamente en el log de pandora_server aparecen frecuentamente mensajes de esta forma:

    2008/10/22 16:52:07 sfri116_Prediction [V1] Server sfri116_Net going Down
    2008/10/22 16:52:07 sfri116_Prediction [V1] Server sfri116_Recon going Down
    2008/10/22 16:52:07 sfri116_Prediction [V1] Server sfri116_SNMP going Down
    2008/10/22 16:52:08 sfri116_Prediction [V1] Server sfri116_Data going Down
    2008/10/22 16:52:08 sfri116_Prediction [V1] Server sfri116_Prediction going Down
    2008/10/22 16:52:08 sfri116_Prediction [V1] Server sfri116_WMI going Down
    2008/10/22 16:52:08 sfri116_Prediction [V1] Server sfri116_Plugin going Down
    2008/10/22 16:52:08 sfri116_Prediction [V1] Server sfri116_Prediction going UP
    2008/10/22 16:52:14 sfri116_WMI [V1] Server sfri116_WMI going UP
    2008/10/22 16:52:14 sfri116_SNMP [V1] Server sfri116_SNMP going UP
    2008/10/22 16:52:14 sfri116_Recon [V1] Server sfri116_Recon going UP
    2008/10/22 16:52:14 sfri116_Net [V1] Server sfri116_Net going UP
    2008/10/22 16:52:14 sfri116_Plugin [V1] Server sfri116_Plugin going UP
    2008/10/22 16:52:14 sfri116_Data [V1] Server sfri116_Data going UP
    2008/10/22 17:01:42 sfri116_WMI [V1] Server sfri116_Net going Down
    2008/10/22 17:01:42 sfri116_SNMP [V1] Server sfri116_Net going Down
    2008/10/22 17:01:42 sfri116_WMI [V1] Server sfri116_Recon going Down
    2008/10/22 17:01:42 sfri116_SNMP [V1] Server sfri116_Recon going Down
    2008/10/22 17:01:42 sfri116_WMI [V1] Server sfri116_SNMP going Down
    2008/10/22 17:01:42 sfri116_SNMP [V1] Server sfri116_Data going Down
    2008/10/22 17:01:42 sfri116_WMI [V1] Server sfri116_Data going Down
    2008/10/22 17:01:42 sfri116_SNMP [V1] Server sfri116_Prediction going Down
    2008/10/22 17:01:42 sfri116_WMI [V1] Server sfri116_Prediction going Down
    2008/10/22 17:01:42 sfri116_WMI [V1] Server sfri116_WMI going Down
    2008/10/22 17:01:42 sfri116_SNMP [V1] Server sfri116_SNMP going UP
    2008/10/22 17:01:42 sfri116_WMI [V1] Server sfri116_Plugin going Down
    2008/10/22 17:01:42 sfri116_WMI [V1] Server sfri116_WMI going UP
    2008/10/22 17:02:17 sfri116_Plugin [V1] Server sfri116_Plugin going UP
    2008/10/22 17:02:22 sfri116_Net [V1] Server sfri116_Net going UP
    2008/10/22 17:02:22 sfri116_Recon [V1] Server sfri116_Recon going UP
    2008/10/22 17:02:22 sfri116_Prediction [V1] Server sfri116_Prediction going UP
    2008/10/22 17:02:22 sfri116_Data [V1] Server sfri116_Data going UP
    2008/10/22 17:11:45 sfri116_Recon [V1] Server sfri116_Net going Down
    2008/10/22 17:11:45 sfri116_Recon [V1] Server sfri116_Recon going Down
    2008/10/22 17:11:45 sfri116_Recon [V1] Server sfri116_SNMP going Down
    2008/10/22 17:11:45 sfri116_Recon [V1] Server sfri116_Recon going UP
    2008/10/22 17:11:49 sfri116_Net [V1] Server sfri116_Net going UP
    2008/10/22 17:11:49 sfri116_SNMP [V1] Server sfri116_SNMP going UP

    ¿A alguien más le ocurre algo parecido?
    Por más que reviso no consigo encontrar qué puede estar pasando. Y el caso es que al final todo está funcionando bien.


    churria replied 16 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • manu

    octubre 22, 2008 at 12:08
    0 Karma points
    Community rank: tentacle-noob-1 Tentacle noob
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    Sí, es un bug conocido.
    Actualiza tu lib/PandoraFMS/DB.pm del SVN

  • churria

    octubre 23, 2008 at 01:39
    0 Karma points
    Community rank: tentacle-noob-1 Tentacle noob
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    Hecho 🙂

    Mil gracias.