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  • Pandora Console time zone

    Posted by martinssaulitis on febrero 5, 2010 at 13:12

    I’ve managed to set up both server, console and agent on different system (pandorafms.server_3.0.0.deb, pandorafms.console_3.0.0.deb, pandorafms.agent_3.0.0.deb) on . Everything works, and I’m slowly adapting it to my needs.

    Problem I ran into was that all agents report Next agent contact: Out of limits.

    Then while looking at time stamps, I noticed, that Pandora console ‘thinks’ it’s one hour back, e.g. 10:00, while pandora server and pandora agent os show 11:00 (using ubuntu console date shows, mysql now() and agent time stamps).

    If I check under Administration->Setup->Time source, both System time and Database time is one hour back.

    Any ideas how to fix it? Is there some place where I can set timezone for Pandora? I think if I fix it, that “out of limits’ problem will go away as well.

    Server console date shows something like Fri Feb  5 11:17:27 EET 2010.

    For now I fixed it editing /var/www/pandora_console/include/config_process.php and changing
    But still, I think there is some problem with Pandora Console configuration – apearantly “ini_get(‘date.timezone’)” doesn’t work, so it set up using fallback option.

    daniels replied 14 years, 11 months ago 4 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • suzdal

    febrero 5, 2010 at 14:58
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    Have you tried ntp service to synchronize the date and time?
    this can be a solution for you.

    anyway try this too, go to pandora console / setup and set “Timestamp or time comparation” to “Timestamp in rollover”

  • Sancho

    febrero 17, 2010 at 06:30
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    Seems that newest versions of ubuntu are doing very very strange things with timezones, another user of pandora has a similar problem and we fixed it just by setting up “manually” the time zones in three different points:

    1. PHP Engine (php.ini)
    2. MySQL (my.cnf)
    3. Linux system (dpkg-reconfigure tzdata)

    Good luck !

    I’ve managed to set up both server, console and agent on different system (pandorafms.server_3.0.0.deb, pandorafms.console_3.0.0.deb, pandorafms.agent_3.0.0.deb) on . Everything works, and I’m slowly adapting it to my needs.

    Problem I ran into was that all agents report Next agent contact: Out of limits.

    Then while looking at time stamps, I noticed, that Pandora console ‘thinks’ it’s one hour back, e.g. 10:00, while pandora server and pandora agent os show 11:00 (using ubuntu console date shows, mysql now() and agent time stamps).

    If I check under Administration->Setup->Time source, both System time and Database time is one hour back.

    Any ideas how to fix it? Is there some place where I can set timezone for Pandora? I think if I fix it, that “out of limits’ problem will go away as well.

    Server console date shows something like Fri Feb  5 11:17:27 EET 2010.

    For now I fixed it editing /var/www/pandora_console/include/config_process.php and changing
    But still, I think there is some problem with Pandora Console configuration – apearantly “ini_get(‘date.timezone’)” doesn’t work, so it set up using fallback option.

  • daniels

    marzo 12, 2010 at 21:13
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    Hi martinssaulitis

      I had exactly the same problem.

      I tried the solutions but only yours worked for me. Setting up under Administration->Setup->Time Source:

    TimeZone: Brazil/East

    obs: To find your exactly TimeZone, take a look at /usr/share/zoneinfo/

    Thank you.
