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  • Pandora 3.2rc2 reiniiando siempre

    Posted by nydiow on diciembre 13, 2010 at 22:07

    Mi servidor de Pandora 3.2rc2 se reinicia de vez en cuando sin ninguna razón aparente.

    Lo comprobé y pandora_server.log pandora_server.error no se obtuvo ningún información.

    Se insertó una configuración de forma automática se reiniciará en esta versión?



    2010-12-11 14:30:28 myPandora [V1] Config options: Logfile at /var/log/pandora/pandora_server.log, Basepath is /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf, Checksum is 0, Master is 1, SNMP Console is 1, Server Threshold at 1 sec, verbosity at 1, Alert Threshold at 60, ServerName is ‘myPandora’
    2010-12-12 14:30:10 myPandora [V1] Pandora FMS Server ‘myPandora’ Shutdown by signal
    2010-12-12 14:30:25 myPandora [V1] Launching 3.2rc2 101125
    2010-12-12 14:30:25 myPandora [V1] Config options: Logfile at /var/log/pandora/pandora_server.log, Basepath is /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf, Checksum is 0, Master is 1, SNMP Console is 1, Server Threshold at 1 sec, verbosity at 1, Alert Threshold at 60, ServerName is ‘myPandora’
    2010-12-13 14:30:12 myPandora [V1] Pandora FMS Server ‘myPandora’ Shutdown by signal
    2010-12-13 14:30:30 myPandora [V1] Launching 3.2rc2 101125
    2010-12-13 14:30:30 myPandora [V1] Config options: Logfile at /var/log/pandora/pandora_server.log, Basepath is /etc/pandora/pandora_server.conf, Checksum is 0, Master is 1, SNMP Console is 1, Server Threshold at 1 sec, verbosity at 1, Alert Threshold at 60, ServerName is ‘myPandora’


    2010-12-06 11:20:48 – myPandora Starting Pandora FMS Server. Error logging activated.
    2010-12-06 11:30:11 – myPandora Starting Pandora FMS Server. Error logging activated.
    2010-12-06 15:44:36 – myPandora Starting Pandora FMS Server. Error logging activated.
    2010-12-07 14:30:22 – myPandora Starting Pandora FMS Server. Error logging activated.
    2010-12-08 14:30:21 – myPandora Starting Pandora FMS Server. Error logging activated.
    2010-12-09 14:30:20 – myPandora Starting Pandora FMS Server. Error logging activated.
    2010-12-10 14:31:18 – myPandora Starting Pandora FMS Server. Error logging activated.
    2010-12-11 14:30:28 – myPandora Starting Pandora FMS Server. Error logging activated.
    2010-12-12 14:30:26 – myPandora Starting Pandora FMS Server. Error logging activated.
    2010-12-13 14:30:31 – myPandora Starting Pandora FMS Server. Error logging activated.

    nydiow replied 13 years, 11 months ago 4 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • darode

    diciembre 14, 2010 at 16:27
    0 Karma points
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    Hola nydiow,

    En el archivo de configuración del servidor de Pandora FMS hay unos parámetros relacionados con el reinicio del mismo que son: auto_restart, restart y restart_delay.

    Puede ser que por algún motivo estén sin comentar, sobre todo el parámetro auto_restart, y por ello el servidor se reinicia solo.

    Espero haberte ayudado.

  • nydiow

    diciembre 14, 2010 at 17:47
    0 Karma points
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    No era el archivo de configuración…


    # Pandora FMS Server Parameters
    # Pandora FMS, the Flexible Monitoring System.
    # Version 3.2
    # Licensed under GPL license v2,
    # (c) 2003-2010 Artica Soluciones Tecnologicas
    # http://www.pandorafms.com
    # Please change it for your setup needs

    # Servername: Name of this server
    # if not given, it takes hostname. It’s preferable to setup one
    # because machine name could change by some reason.

    #servername adama

    # incomingdir:  Defines directory where incoming data packets are stored
    # You could set directory relative to base path or absolute, starting with /

    incomingdir /var/spool/pandora/data_in

    # log_file: Main logfile for pandora_server
    # You could set file relative to base path or absolute, starting with /

    log_file /var/log/pandora/pandora_server.log

    # Log file for Pandora FMS SNMP console. Its generated by NetSNMP Trap daemon

    snmp_logfile /var/log/pandora/pandora_snmptrap.log

    # Error logfile: aux logfile for pandora_server errors (in Daemon mode)
    # You could set file relative to base path or absolute, starting with /

    errorlog_file /var/log/pandora/pandora_server.error

    # daemon: Runs in daemon mode (background) if 1, if 0 runs in foreground
    # this could be also configured on commandline with -D option

    # daemon 1

    # Database credentials. A VERY important configuration.
    # This must be the same credentials used by your Pandora FMS Console
    # but could be different if your console is not running in the same
    # host than the server. Check your console setup in /include/config.php

    # dbname: Database name (pandora by default

    dbname pandora

    # dbuser:  Database user name (pandora by default)

    dbuser pandora

    # dbpass: Database password

    dbpass pandora

    # dbhost: Database hostname or IP address

    dbhost localhost

    # verbosity: level of detail on errors/messages (0 default, 1 verbose, 2 debug…. 10 noisy)
    # -v in command line (verbose) or -d (debug). Set this to 10 when try to locate problems and
    # set to 0 or 1 on production enviroments.

    verbosity 1

    # Master Server, 1 if master server (normal mode), 0 for slave mode (slave in multi-server setup)

    master 1

    # Check datafiles using a MD5 hash, 1 to check (default), 0 to ignore .checksum

    checksum 0

    # Activate Pandora SNMP console (depending on snmptrapd)
    # only available on Pandora Network server

    snmpconsole 1

    # Activate (1) Pandora Network Server

    networkserver 1

    # Activate (1) Pandora Data Server

    dataserver 1

    # Activate (1) Pandora FMS Recon server

    reconserver 1

    # pluginserver : 1 or 0. Set to 1 to activate plugin server with this setup
    pluginserver 0

    # Pandora FMS Plugin exec tool filepath (by default at /usr/bin)

    plugin_exec /usr/bin/pandora_exec

    # predictionserver : 1 or 0. Set to 1 to activate prediction server with this setup
    predictionserver 0

    # wmiserver : 1 or 0. Set to 1 to activate WMI server with this setup
    wmiserver 0

    # Network timeout (in seconds) for timeout in network connections for Network agents

    network_timeout 5

    # Server keepalive (in seconds)

    server_keepalive 45

    # Server Threshold: defines number of seconds of main loop (in sec)

    server_threshold 5

    # Network threads: Do not set too high (~40). Each threads make a network module check.

    network_threads 5

    # icmp_checks x : defines number of pings for each icmp_proc module type. at least one of
    # that ping should be 1 to report 1

    icmp_checks 1

    # tcp specific options :
    # tcp_checks: number of tcp retries if first attempt fails.
    # tcp_timeout: specific timeout for tcp connections

    tcp_checks 1
    tcp_timeout 30

    # snmp specific options :
    # snmp_checks: number of snmp request retries if first attempt fails.
    # snmp_timeout: specific timeout for snmp request.

    snmp_checks 1
    snmp_timeout 5

    # snmp_proc_deadresponse 1 (default): Return DOWN if cannot contact
    # or receive NULL from a SNMP PROC module.

    snmp_proc_deadresponse 1

    # plugin_threads: Specify number of plugin server threads for processing plugin calls

    plugin_threads 2

    # plugin_timeout: Specify number of seconds calling plugin exec waiting for response
    # after this time, call is aborted and result is “unknown”.

    plugin_timeout 15

    # wmi_timeout : specific timeout for wmi request.

    wmi_timeout 10

    # wmi_threads: Specify number of WMI server threads for processing WMI remote calls

    wmi_threads 2

    # recon_threads. Each thread will scan a different scantask.

    recon_threads 2

    # dataserver_threads: Number of threads for data server (XML processing threads)

    dataserver_threads 2

    # mta_address: External Mailer (MTA) IP Address to be used by Pandora FMS internal email capabilities

    mta_address localhost

    # mta_port: MTA port (default 25)
    #mta_port 25

    # mta_user MTA User (if needed for auth, FQD or simple user, depending on your server)
    #mta_user [email protected]

    # mta_pass MTA Pass (if needed for auth)
    #mta_pass mypassword

    # mta_auth MTA Auth system (if needed, support: LOGIN, PLAIN, CRAM-MD5, DIGEST-MD)
    #mta_auth LOGIN

    # mta_from Email address that sends the mail, by default is pandora@localhost
    #          probably you need to change it to avoid problems with your antispam
    #mta_from Pandora FMS

    # xprobe2: Optional package to detect OS types using advanced TCP/IP
    # fingerprinting tecniques, much more accurates than stadard nmap.
    # If not provided, nmap is used insted xprobe2

    xprobe2 /usr/bin/xprobe2

    # nmap: If provided, is used to detect OS type with recon server using
    # advanded OS fingerprint technique. Xprobe2 gives more accurate results
    # Nmap is also used to do TCP port scanning in detected host.

    nmap /usr/bin/nmap

    # snmpget: Needed to do SNMP checks. By default is on /usr/bin/snmpget

    snmpget /usr/bin/snmpget

    # Default group id for new agents created with Pandora FMS Data Server
    autocreate_group 2

    # Set to 1 if want to autocreate agents with Pandora FMS Data Server,
    # set to 0 to disable

    autocreate 1

    # max_log_size: Specify max size of Pandora FMS server log file (1MB by default). If
    # log file grows above this limit, is renamed to “pandora_server.log.old”.

    max_log_size 65536

    # max_queue_files (250 by default)
    # When server have more than max_queue_files in incoming directory, skips the read
    # the directory to avoid filesystem overhead.

    max_queue_files 250

    # Use the XML file last modification time as timestamp.
    # use_xml_timestamp 1

    # Pandora FMS will autorestart itself each XXX seconds, use this if you experience problems with
    # shutting down threads, or other stability problems.

    # auto_restart 86400

    # Pandora FMS will restart after restart_delay seconds on critical errors.

    # restart 0
    # restart_delay 60

    # More information about GIS Setup in /usr/share/pandora_server/util/gis.README
    # Flag to activate GIS (positional information for agents and maps)
    # by default it is desactivated
    #activate_gis 0

    # Radius of error in meters to consider two gis locations as the same location.
    #location_error 50

    # Recon reverse geolocation mode [disabled, sql, file]
    #  disabled    The recon task doesn’t try to geolocate the ip discovered.
    #  sql        The recon task trys to query the SQL database to geolocate the
    #              ip discovered
    #  file        The recon task trys to find the geolocation information of the
    #              ip discovered in the file indicated in the
    #                recon_reverse_geolocation_file parameter

    # recon_reverse_geolocation_mode disabled

    # Recon reverse geolocation file. This is the database with the reverse
    # geolocation information using MaxMind GPL GeoLiteCity.dat format).
    #recon_reverse_geolocation_file /usr/local/share/GeoIP/GeoIPCity.dat

    # Radius (in meters) of the circle in where the agents will be place randomly
    # when finded by a recon task. Center of the circle is guessed
    # by geolocating the IP.
    #recon_location_scatter_radius 1000

    # Pandora Server self-monitoring (embedded agent) (by default disabled)
    #self_monitoring 1

    # Update parent from the agent xml
    #update_parent 1

  • olo

    marzo 8, 2011 at 12:49
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    a mí me pasa lo mismo con la versión 3.2, cada cierto tiempo se reinicia el servidor. He mirado los parámetros de auto-restart del fichero de configuración y están comentados. ¿Consiguisteis saber por qué era?

    Un saludo.

  • Sancho

    marzo 9, 2011 at 02:42
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    Se programa, mediante cron, un reinicio diario. Se hace para poder rotar los logs. Mirad la entrada en el directorio /etc/cron.daily

    Lo pone en la doc ! 😉

  • olo

    marzo 15, 2011 at 15:54
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    Entonces no debe ser eso, es que mi problema es que cada cierto tiempo se para el servidor, cada dos o tres semanas, no sé el tiempo exacto. Por ejemplo esta mañana me acaba de pasar, me encuentro que en la consola web, el estado de los equipos no se actualiza, miro el servidor y está parado y tengo que volver a lanzarlo.

    He mirado los logs de errores y no me sale ningún error y el equipo no se ha reiniciado hoy. Así que no sé por qué puede ser.

  • olo

    marzo 15, 2011 at 16:31
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    De hecho, mirando en el syslog he encontrado esto:

    Mar 15 12:10:01 pandora /USR/SBIN/CRON[9743]: (root) CMD ([ -x /usr/sbin/update-motd ] && /usr/sbin/update-motd 2>/dev/null)
    Mar 15 12:12:14 pandora kernel: [5192447.275658] pandora_server[23723]: segfault at 4 ip b71b6724 sp af3feca0 error 4 in libmysqlclient.so.15.0.0[b714e000+19f000]

    Voy a ver si encuentro algo de información por google, si sabeis lo que es os agradezco cualquier ayuda.

    Gracias, y un saludo.

  • nydiow

    marzo 16, 2011 at 21:25
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    Usted tiene que quitar la línea que hace referencia a Pandora en Cron, esto es común en la distribución .iso (Suse)