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Instalación agente OSX
Posted by i-serra on septiembre 16, 2020 at 14:56Buenas a todos, he estado revisando el foro y viendo el problema que tienen varios usuarios para instalar el agente de pandora los equipos con SO OSX y yo tengo el mismo problema. En este caso queremos instalar el agente en un Mini PC con el OS Catalina.
Estoy siguiendo estos pasos, a ver si me estoy equivocando en alguno:
1º Descargo el agente desde
2º Lo descomprimo con tar -xvzf “nombre del archivo”
3º Entramos carpeta Unix e instalamos el agente con –installer
4º Editamos el archivo .conf y ponemos la IP del servidorUna vez llegamos a este paso, no se como iniciar los servicios ya que el _daemon no me funciona.
El servidor funciona correctamente ya que tenemos equipos Windows y Ubuntu funcionando sin problema, pero no conseguimos instalar el agente en los equipos MAC OS.¿Alguien podría ayudarme?
Muchas gracias.
i-serra replied 4 years, 3 months ago 2 Members · 5 Replies -
5 Replies
El agente que esta utilizando es bastante antiguo, podría utilizar uno mas actual: saludo.
Proximamente liberaremos un agente específico para MAC OS planificado para la versión 750 de pandora.
De todas formas puede adjuntar los errores que le arroja el agente en la instalación o al iniciarlo así como adjuntar el fichero de log del agente para así ver si encontramos alguna traza del problema.
Un saludo. -
Copio y pego lo que he estado haciendo por si veis un error:
Last login: Fri Sep 18 12:46:07 on ttys000
~ % sudo su
sh-3.2# cd /tmp
sh-3.2# ls
sh-3.2# cp /Users/zeussmartvisualdata/Downloads/pandorafms_agent_unix-7.0NG.749.tar
usage: cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fi | -n] [-apvXc] source_file target_file
cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fi | -n] [-apvXc] source_file … target_directory
sh-3.2# cp -R /Users/zeussmartvisualdata/Downloads/pandorafms_agent_unix-7.0NG.749.tar
usage: cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fi | -n] [-apvXc] source_file target_file
cp [-R [-H | -L | -P]] [-fi | -n] [-apvXc] source_file … target_directory
sh-3.2# cp -R /Users/zeussmartvisualdata/Downloads/pandorafms_agent_unix-7.0NG.749.tar /tmp/
sh-3.2# ls
sh-3.2# tar xvzf pandorafms_agent_unix-7.0NG.749.tar
x unix/
x unix/AIX/
x unix/AIX/pandora_agent.conf
x unix/DEBIAN/
x unix/DEBIAN/conffiles
x unix/DEBIAN/control
x unix/DEBIAN/
x unix/DEBIAN/md5sums
x unix/DEBIAN/postinst
x unix/DEBIAN/prerm
x unix/Darwin/
x unix/Darwin/com.pandorafms.pandorafms.plist
x unix/Darwin/pandora_agent.conf
x unix/FreeBSD/
x unix/FreeBSD/pandora_agent
x unix/FreeBSD/pandora_agent.conf
x unix/HP-UX/
x unix/HP-UX/pandora_agent.conf
x unix/Linux/
x unix/Linux/pandora_agent.conf
x unix/NT4/
x unix/NT4/log/
x unix/NT4/log/.empty
x unix/NT4/temp/
x unix/NT4/temp/.empty
x unix/NT4/df.vbs
x unix/NT4/df_percent.vbs
x unix/NT4/logevent_log4x.vbs
x unix/NT4/pandora.win32.README
x unix/NT4/pandora_agent.conf
x unix/NT4/ps.vbs
x unix/NT4/renice.bat
x unix/NT4/srvany.wri
x unix/NetBSD/
x unix/NetBSD/pandora_agent
x unix/NetBSD/pandora_agent.conf
x unix/OpenWRT/
x unix/OpenWRT/INSTALL
x unix/OpenWRT/pandora_agent_daemon
x unix/SunOS/
x unix/SunOS/make_solaris_package/
x unix/SunOS/make_solaris_package/README
x unix/SunOS/make_solaris_package/copyright
x unix/SunOS/make_solaris_package/
x unix/SunOS/make_solaris_package/prototype
x unix/SunOS/pandora_agent.conf
x unix/man/
x unix/man/man1/
x unix/man/man1/pandora_agent.1.gz
x unix/man/man1/tentacle_client.1.gz
x unix/plugins/
x unix/plugins/autodiscover
x unix/plugins/
x unix/plugins/files_indir
x unix/plugins/grep_log
x unix/plugins/grep_log_module
x unix/plugins/grep_snmptrapd
x unix/plugins/inventory
x unix/plugins/nagios_plugin_wrapper
x unix/plugins/pandora_df
x unix/plugins/pandora_df_free
x unix/plugins/pandora_df_used
x unix/plugins/pandora_mem
x unix/plugins/pandora_mem_used
x unix/plugins/pandora_netusage
x unix/plugins/pandora_update
x unix/plugins/route_parser
x unix/plugins/
x unix/plugins/
x unix/plugins/
x unix/AUTHORS
x unix/COPYING
x unix/README
x unix/pandora_agent
x unix/pandora_agent.redhat.spec
x unix/pandora_agent.spec
x unix/pandora_agent_daemon
x unix/pandora_agent_daemon.service
x unix/pandora_agent_exec
x unix/pandora_agent_installer
x unix/pandora_agent_logrotate
x unix/pandora_revent
x unix/tentacle_client
x unix/tentacle_server
sh-3.2# cd unix/
sh-3.2# ./pandora_agent_installer –installPandora FMS Agent UNIX Installer 7.0NG.749 200909 (c) 2008-2015 ArticaST
This program is licensed under GPL2 Terms. http://pandorafms.comDetecting Unix distribution: Darwin version 19.6.0
Checking default dir /usr/share/pandora_agent…
Checking Pandora FMS Agent on /usr/bin/pandora_agent….
Creating Pandora FMS Agent home directory at /usr/share/pandora_agent
Created logfile at /var/log/pandora/pandora_agent.log…
Copying Pandora FMS Agent to /usr/bin/pandora_agent…
cp: /usr/bin/pandora_agent: Operation not permitted
chmod: /usr/bin/pandora_agent: No such file or directory
cp: /usr/bin/pandora_agent_exec: Operation not permitted
chmod: /usr/bin/pandora_agent_exec: No such file or directory
cp: /usr/bin/pandora_revent: Operation not permitted
chmod: /usr/bin/pandora_revent: No such file or directory
Copying Pandora FMS Agent configuration file to /etc/pandora/pandora_agent.conf…
Backing up old configuration file to //etc/pandora/pandora_agent.conf.2020-09-18
Copying Pandora FMS Agent plugins to /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins…
cp: /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins: No such file or directory
cp: /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins: No such file or directory
cp: /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins: No such file or directory
cp: /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins/grep_log: No such file or directory
cp: /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins/grep_log_module: No such file or directory
cp: /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins/grep_snmptrapd: No such file or directory
cp: /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins/inventory: No such file or directory
cp: /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins/nagios_plugin_wrapper: No such file or directory
cp: /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins/pandora_df: No such file or directory
cp: /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins/pandora_df_free: No such file or directory
cp: /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins/pandora_df_used: No such file or directory
cp: /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins/pandora_mem: No such file or directory
cp: /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins/pandora_mem_used: No such file or directory
cp: /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins: No such file or directory
cp: /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins/pandora_update: No such file or directory
cp: /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins/route_parser: No such file or directory
cp: /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins: No such file or directory
cp: /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins: No such file or directory
cp: /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins: No such file or directory
chmod: /usr/share/pandora_agent/plugins: No such file or directory
ln: /etc/pandora/plugins: File exists
Creating the collections directory in to /usr/share/pandora_agent/collections…
mkdir: /usr/share/pandora_agent/collections: Operation not permitted
chmod: /usr/share/pandora_agent/collections: No such file or directory
ln: /etc/pandora/collections: File exists
Creating the commands directory in /usr/share/pandora_agent/commands…
mkdir: /usr/share/pandora_agent/commands: Operation not permitted
chmod: /usr/share/pandora_agent/commands: No such file or directory
ln: /etc/pandora/commands: File exists
Copying tentacle server to /usr/bin/tentacle_server
cp: /usr/bin/tentacle_server: Operation not permitted
chmod: /usr/bin/tentacle_server: No such file or directory
Copying tentacle client to /usr/bin/tentacle_client
cp: /usr/bin/tentacle_client: Operation not permitted
chmod: /usr/bin/tentacle_client: No such file or directory
Installing the Pandora Agent and Tentacle Client manuals
cp: //usr/share/man/man1/tentacle_client.1.gz: Read-only file system
chmod: //usr/share/man/man1/tentacle_client.1.gz: No such file or directory
cp: //usr/share/man/man1/pandora_agent.1.gz: Read-only file system
chmod: //usr/share/man/man1/pandora_agent.1.gz: No such file or directory
Setting secure permissions and ownership for all Pandora FMS Agent files…
Copying default agent configuration to /etc/pandora/pandora_agent.conf
Linking start-up daemon script ‘pandora_agent_daemon’ on Darwin
Start Pandora FMS service with ‘launchctl start com.pandorafms.pandorafms’
This service has been scheduled to launch on each system startup
Please add a log rotation schedule manually to your log rotation daemon (if any)
Done.You have your startup script ready at /etc/init.d/pandora_agent_daemon
Tentacle is the default transfer mode since 2.0 version.
If you want to use SSH, firstly you need to copy your public SSH keys
(/var/root/.ssh/id_dsa) under /home/pandora/.ssh/authorized_keys
on your Pandora FMS Server hostYou may need to install manually some additional required dependencies:
perl-Sys-SyslogYou also need to setup your /etc/pandora/pandora_agent.conf config file
Check your startup configuration to be sure Pandora FMS Agent is ready
to start automatically when system restarts:
sh-3.2# /etc/init.d/pandora_agent_daemon start
sh: /etc/init.d/pandora_agent_daemon: No such file or directory
sh-3.2# ls
AIX Linux pandora_agent pandora_agent_logrotate
AUTHORS NT4 pandora_agent.redhat.spec pandora_revent
COPYING NetBSD pandora_agent.spec plugins
DEBIAN OpenWRT pandora_agent_daemon tentacle_client
Darwin README pandora_agent_daemon.service tentacle_server
FreeBSD SunOS pandora_agent_exec
HP-UX man pandora_agent_installer
sh-3.2# sudo vim /etc/pandora/pandora_agent.conf
sh-3.2# /etc/init.d/pandora_agent_daemon start
sh: /etc/init.d/pandora_agent_daemon: No such file or directory