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  • discovery VMware not worked

    Posted by mejda.abida on noviembre 20, 2023 at 11:33


    i have a vmware application and i want to monitor all Vmware (esxi, VM, datastore..).

    when I use a discovery vmware tools, the task not started and any agents was discovered!!

    recon or discovery server is 1.

    please help!

    Mejda ABIDA

    Sergio B. replied 1 year, 3 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
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  • Sergio B.

    noviembre 20, 2023 at 14:38
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    Hello Mejda,

    you can check the vm-ware execution manually and see if you can connect to your vcenter manually.

    Here’s a step by step guide on how to check it manually:

    Create the following directory and copy the plugin (vmware-plugin.pl) into it with:

    mkdir /tmp/vmware
    cp /usr/share/pandora_server/util/recon_scripts/vmware-plugin.pl /tmp/vmware

    Inside that directory you have to copy the file attached in the previous comment (vmware-test.conf) modifying previously the file with the variables that are defined in your Discovery task (filling the XXXXX fields according to your VMware configuration).

    Then you have to launch the plugin together with the configuration file to see what the plugin gets.

    For this test file you will need to create the following directories before running the plugin (directories where different files will be saved):

    mkdir /tmp/vmware/temp
    mkdir /tmp/vmware/log
    mkdir /tmp/vmware/xml

    All the files referring to the plugin (vmware_entities_list.txt, the plugin and the conf) will be stored in the “vmware” directory.

    The log file of the plugin execution will be saved in the “log” directory (where the errors will be shown).
    The “xml” directory contains all the XML files generated by the plugin, one for each detected machine.
    The file “vmware_entities_list.txt” contains all the names of the entities found when launching the plugin, if you want to discard any entity you will have to delete its name from this file.

    To launch the plugin you will have to execute the following:

    perl /tmp/vmware/vmware/vmware-plugin.pl /tmp/vmware/vmware-test.conf

    Kind regards,

    Sergio B.

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