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CPU Temperature
Posted by tom on febrero 28, 2022 at 13:59I am looking to use Pandora FMS for the purpose of monitoring the cpu temperatures of a render farm of over 300 workstations.
All i need is cpu temp info.
All workstations are windows.
How can i set this up?
Do i have to enable wmic or can the agent get this information for me?
Sancho replied 3 years ago 3 Members · 2 Replies -
2 Replies
Good morning,
Here I leave you access you the Pandora FMS Wiki documentation where you can see many ways of monitoring with the Software agents:
In this case, as there are Windows workstations, you will need to make WMI monitoring, so you will need to have active the wmic or use WMI queries:
Nevertheless, when creating a new dataserver module you can see when created it a list of default modules that can be created (althoug as not been part of the Enterprise experience you can not create the module via browser due is an Enterprise functionality)
Best regards
As Alberto says, you can get it using WMI, but you need to enable in the workstations, not easy. Could be easier to install a pandora agent and run a small script. You have some examples of a simple powershell here:
You only need to create a module in the agent conf and execute with a
module_name CPU_Temp
module_type generic_data
module_exec <your command execution here>
module_endThat bring you the CPU temp without need anymore else (just installing the agent), of course, with the opensource version.