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Bienvenido a la comunidad de Pandora FMS Forums Community support Where is ‘source /tmp/pandoradb.sql;’

  • Jimmy

    mayo 31, 2021 at 19:22
    39 Karma points
    Community rank: tentacle-noob-1 Tentacle noob
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    ¡Hi boy, hello girls!

    Please note:

    Create a new one from the. sql installation files or (…)

    Just try download installation files, in example for 749 version (I am using CentOS 7):

    wget http://firefly.artica.es/centos7/pandorafms_console-7.0NG.749.noarch.rpm

    After download, test if any pandoradb* file exists with:

    rpm -qpl pandorafms_console-7.0NG.749.noarch.rpm | grep pandoradb

    Extract only that files in /tmp (or your favorite directory) and execute again (remember change your path if you use a favorite directory different from “/tmp”).

    Have a nice day 😎 .