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Use in Pandora FMS
The first thing we should do is to upload the script to an accessible path in the machine where we have deployed the Pandora FMS server, in my case I will place it in/usr/share/pandora_server/util/ However, you can use any location as l...
# Launch a pre-command before invoke docker commands pre_command = eval $(docker-machine env ml1) docker = docker # Log file log_file = /tmp/pandora_docker.log # Show all modules instead only those with values all_modules = 1 pre_commandConfigures an en...
Ver. 230821This plugin is used to monitor the statistics of a Docker environment.Type: mixed plugin
Compatibility matrix
This plugin has been developed using Docker version 18.03.1-ce, build 9ee9f40.
Requires to be launched from a machine with docker installed. It can be launched from remote machines using docker_machine. It requires connection with the Tentacle service associated to your Pandora FMS server (for local executions of the plugin).local ...
Manual execution
To run the plugin, configure the configuration file according to the instructions above. Execution of the plugin: Binary version: ./docker_services.64 docker_services.conf Code version without libraries deployed: perl -I lib pandora_mysql...
General plugin settings ## Launch a pre-command before invoke docker commands #pre_command = eval $(docker-machine env ml1) docker = docker ## Log file log_file = /tmp/pandora_docker.log pre_commandConfigures an environment preload command prior to exe...
Programmed execution
Run as a server plugin, as module_exec in an agent, or from the system cron.Possible results: ● if it returns 1, the result is correct.● other than 1, there has been an error and you should consult the program log.
Manual execution
To run the plug-in, configure the configuration file according to the instructions above.preceding. ./docker_stats.64 docker_stats.conf When running the plugin with the as_server_plugin parameter enabled in the terminal, the result should look like this: ...
Scheduled execution
It can be executed as a server plugin, as module_plugin in an agent, or from the system cron.
Modules generated by the plugin
If the metrics_per_container parameter is not defined, it only generates an agent with the general docker statistics of the machine. In case it is enabled, it generates an agent per container, with the specific statistics of that container, and also an agent ...
Modules generated by the plugin
The standard execution of this plugin will return the following modules by default (with all optional blocks enabled): The following agents will be created: ● One agent per docker swarm node with the following modules: ○ [service name] state○ [service name]...
Plugin para la monitorización de Active Directory, recogiendo información de usuarios yservicios relacionados.
Matriz de compatibilidad
Desarrollado para usar con Powershell v3.0 o superiores.
Pre requisitos
Este plugin utiliza comandos de Powershell 3.0 para recoger información de usuarios y servicios relacionados con Active Directory.● Powershell v3.0 o superior.● Módulo Active Directory Powershell.● Repadmin.Se requiere conexión con el servicio Tentacle asociad...
El fichero de configuración del plugin Active Directory se divide en bloques:Usuario # User user = all userSe configurará como “all” si se quiere obtener el listado completo de usuarios habilitados en Active Directory. Si sólo se quiere buscar un único usua...
Ejecución manual
Para ejecutar el plugin configure el archivo de configuración según las instrucciones precedentes, la ejecución en sí misma sería la llamada al ejecutable .exe, pasando como primer parámetro el archivo de configuración con su ruta. Ejecución del plugin: [rut...
Configuración en Pandora FMS
Con el fin de gestionar totalmente la ejecución del plugin desde la consola web, distribuiremos el plugin mediante colecciones:1. Se creará una nueva colección en la sección de Configuration>Collections. Con nombre corto “ad_plugin” y nombre Active Directory p...
Modulos generados por el plugin
La ejecución estándar de este plugin devolverá los siguientes módulos por defecto (contodos los bloques opcionales habilitados): Monitorización:● AD Users● Unused AD User● AD Schema Master● AD Root Domain● AD Forest Domains● AD Computer DNS Host Name● AD Glob...
Slack configuration: application creation
In the Pandora FMS libraries you can find the Slack connector CLI with complete and detailed information about the integration with this instant messaging platform. You should start by accessing the page dedicated to the Slack API, identify yourself and use th...