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Ver. 01-03-2022Con este plug-in podremos ver datos y monitorear nuestros volúmenes y bricks de gl...

Updated 2 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Delete ticket

Redmine plugin

It will be eliminated by searching the request by id. Example manual execution: ./pandora_redmi...

Updated 2 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Update ticket

Redmine plugin

Necessary arguments  -m (post) -i (host)  -t (token) -p (project id) -tid (ticket id) -s (s...

Updated 2 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Create ticket

Redmine plugin

Necessary arguments  -m (post) -i (host)  -t (token) -p (project id) -s (subject) -d (descr...

Updated 2 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Pre requisites

Redmine plugin

Required: Enable rest web services in redmine * Python3  * Module requests * In the binary ve...

Updated 2 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Delete ticket

Zammad plugin

The ticket will be deleted by searching by id. Example with manual execution. ./pandora_zammad...

Updated 2 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Update ticket

Zammad plugin

Necessary arguments -m (put) -i (host)  -us y -p o -t (user y password o solo token dependiend...

Updated 2 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Create ticket

Zammad plugin

Necessary arguments -m (post) -i (host)  -us y -p o -t (user and password or token only depend...

Updated 2 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Pre requisites

Zammad plugin

Required: Enable basic or API token authentication * Python3 * Module requests  * In the bina...

Updated 2 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Update ticket

Zendesk plugin

Parameters Method -m get,post,put o delete host -i, --ip name site zendesk user -us name...

Updated 2 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Pre requisites

Zendesk plugin

Required: Enable API authentication * Python3  * Module requests * In the binary version of t...

Updated 2 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Eliminar ticket


Se eliminara buscando la petición por id.   Ejemplo ejecución manual: ./ -m ...

Updated 2 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Actualizar ticket


Argumentos necesarios  -m (post) -i (host)  -t (token) -p (project id) -tid (ticket id) -s ...

Updated 2 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Crear ticket


Argumentos necesarios  -m (post) -i (host)  -t (token) -p (project id) -s (subject) -d (des...

Updated 2 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Pre requisitos


Se requiere: Habilitar Servicios web rest en redmine * Python3  * Librería requests * En la v...

Updated 2 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Eliminar ticket


Se eliminará el ticket buscando por id. Ejemplo con ejecución manual. ./pandora_zammad -m delet...

Updated 2 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Actualizar ticket


  Argumentos necesarios -m (put) -i (host)  -us y -p o -t (user y password o solo token depen...

Updated 2 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Crear ticket


Argumentos necesarios -m (post) -i (host)  -us y -p o -t (user y password o solo token dependi...

Updated 2 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Actualizar ticket


Parámetros Method -m get,post,put o delete host -i, --ip nombre de tu sitio zendesk user ...

Updated 2 years ago by alejandro.sanchez

Pre requisitos


Se requiere: Habilitar autenticación API * Python3  * Librería requests   * En la versión bi...

Updated 2 years ago by alejandro.sanchez