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Pre requisitos

Plugin ssh inventario

  Conectividad desde PandoraFMS hacía el switch objetivo

Updated 9 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Pre requisitos


Es necesaria conectividad hacia la API REST de GLPI. El usuario de PandoraFMS con el que se co...

Updated 9 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Matriz de compatibilidad


Sistemas donde se ha probado Rocky linux, Fedora 34 Sistemas donde funciona Cualquie...

Updated 9 months ago by alejandro.sanchez



  Este plugin tiene como finalidad poder manejar el sistema de tickets de GLPI en PandoraFMS, me...

Updated 9 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Compatibility matrix

Plugin ssh inventory

  Systems where tested Rocky linux, Fedora 34 Systems where it works Any linux syst...

Updated 10 months ago by alejandro.sanchez


Plugin ssh inventory

The purpose of this plugin is to execute ssh commands in switches to return information that can ...

Updated 10 months ago by alejandro.sanchez


Plugin ssh inventario

Este plugin tiene como finalidad ejecutar comandos ssh en switches para devolver información que ...

Updated 10 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Matriz de compatibilidad

Plugin ssh inventario

  Sistemas donde se ha probado Rocky linux, Fedora 34 Sistemas donde funciona Cualq...

Updated 10 months ago by alejandro.sanchez


Migrator from elasticsearch to opensearch

To perform a migration it is important to take into account the size of the environments to be mi...

Updated 10 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Ejecución manual

Migrador de elasticsearch a opensearch

Ejecución de migración: ./elastic_to_opensearch -s -d -a \...

Updated 10 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Manual execution

Migrator from elasticsearch to opensearch

Migration execution: ./elastic_to_opensearch -s -d -a \ -...

Updated 10 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Parámetros y configuración

Migrador de elasticsearch a opensearch

Parámetros -s SOURCE_URL, --source_url SOURCE_URL URL del entorno fuente de elastic a mig...

Updated 10 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Parameters and configuration

Migrator from elasticsearch to opensearch

Parameters -s SOURCE_URL, --source_url SOURCE_URL URL of elastic source environment to be...

Updated 10 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Previous configuration

Migrator from elasticsearch to opensearch

Check that you have access to Elasticsearch.From the machine where the migrator will run, run a t...

Updated 10 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Pre requisites

Migrator from elasticsearch to opensearch

In order to run this utility you need to : Connectivity to the elastic search environment. Co...

Updated 10 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Compatibility matrix

Migrator from elasticsearch to opensearch

Versión de opensearch probada 2.11.0 Tested elastic version 6.4.3  8....

Updated 10 months ago by alejandro.sanchez

Matriz de compatibilidad

Migrador de elasticsearch a opensearch

Version de opensearch probada 2.11.0 Versión de elástic probada 6.4.3 ...

Updated 10 months ago by alejandro.sanchez


Migrator from elasticsearch to opensearch

Ver. 131123 CLI utility to migrate an elastic search environment to opensearch Download link:  ...

Updated 10 months ago by alejandro.sanchez


Migrador de elasticsearch a opensearch

Ver. 131123 Utilidad CLI para migrar un entorno de elastic search a opensearch Enlace de descar...

Updated 10 months ago by Rafael Ameijeiras


Migrador de elasticsearch a opensearch

Para realizar una migración es importante tomar en cuenta el dimensionamiento de los entornos a m...

Updated 10 months ago by Rafael Ameijeiras