Agent and modules generated by the plugin
The execution of the plugin will create the following agents and modules:
Api status |
APIServices count |
APIServices Status |
< Endpoint healthz> |
Services count
List Services
Namespaces count
List Namespaces
< Component status healthz > |
Replication controllers count
Replication controllers status
Deployments |
- One agent for each deployment
< prefix. deployment name > |
Replicas |
Updated replicas |
Ready replicas |
Avalaible replicas |
Unavalaible replicas |
Available |
Progressing |
Pods |
Pods (%) |
CPU (cores) |
CPU (%) |
Memory (bytes) |
Memory (%) |
Condition < condition > status |
Pod status |
<Condition status> |
Containers |
Container <nombre contenedor> CPU (cores) |
Container <nombre contenedor> CPU (%) |
Container <nombre contenedor> Memory (bytes) |
Container <nombre contenedor> Memory (%) |