Agents generated by the plugin
The plugin generates three types of agents:
● of the virtual machine (VM) type.
● of the storage disk (SR)
● type
XenServer (host) type agentsHost)
Storage Repository (SR) type agents.agents
For each SR an agent will be generated, which will have a name of the type: XenSR_<SR_namename_of_SR>.
SR agentAgent modulesModules
For each agent of this type the following modules will be generated:
generic_data | GB | ||
physical_utilisation | generic_data | GB | |
free space | free space | generic_data | GB |
used percent | generic_data | % |
Agents of the Virtual Machine (VM) type agents
For each virtual machine an agent will be generated, which will have a name of the type:XenVM_<VM_name>. Each agent will have the IP of the virtual machine and its operating system
operational (as long as ityou has XenServer).operating system (provided it hashave XenServer Tools installed,installed
otherwise it will be able to recognize the IP).
VM agentAgent modulesModules
For each agent of this type the following modules will be generated:
Status | Returns whether a VM is running or not |
generic_proc | - |
Status description | generic_data_string | - | |
Memory used | used |
generic_data | % |
cpuX | CPU load percentage | generic_data | % |
Xenxerver Tools | Check if the VM has been installed and update XenServer tools |
generic_proc | - |
VDI_<nombre vdi>_size | VDI size | generic_data | GB |
VDI_<nombre vdi>_used | The percentage of physical space currently occupied by the disk image in the storage repository. Note that the utilization percentage on thick disks will always be 100%, since all space on the machine is reserved when the disk is created. | generic_data | % |
Vbd_XX_write | Write speed in bytes per second |
generic_data | Bytes/sec |
Vbd_XX_read |
XenServer XenServer-type agents
For each host or serverserver, an agent will be generated, which will have a name of the type:
Each agent will recognize itsyour IP.
XenServer Agent Modules
For each agent modules
Thethis type the following modules will be generated for each agent of this type:generated:
VMs running | Number of VMs running | generic_data | - |
VMs installed | Number of VMs installed | generic_data | - |
Memory used | used |
generic_data | % |
Load CPU avg | CPU |
generic_data | % |