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Parameters and configuration


--confPath to the configuration file
--custom_modulesPath to the file in which the custom modules are to be defined

Configuration file (--conf)

The contents of the file will be as follows:

agents_group_id = < ID of the group in which the task agent will be created >
threads = < Number of threads to be used for module creation >
interval = < Agent monitoring interval in seconds >
server = < SAP server IP >
client = < SAP client number >
system = < SAP system number >
license = < License code >
credentials = < Base 64 of the JSON with credentials >
agent = < Target agent name >
modules = < JSON list of predefined modules to be monitored >


agents_group_id = 10
threads = 5
interval = 300
server =
client = 001
system = 00
license = 022220743456700424
credentials = asJ1c2VyIjoiGBTREjUiLCJwYXNzd29yZCI6IklOKJNJQUwifQ==
agent = SAP_R3
modules = [192,195]


The credentials to be entered in the "credentials" option of the configuration file described above are a code base 64 of a JSON with the following format:

{"user":"< user >","password":"< password >"}

JSON example


This JSON should be converted to base 64 and the result would be a string like the following, which is what should be entered in the "credentials" option of the :


List of customized modules (--custom_modules)

The content of the file will be a list of modules, separating the creation of each one in different lines. This format must be used for the creation of these modules:

< Module name >;< Module type >;< SAP module creation parameters >


SAP info;generic_data_string;-m 120
SAP Mem Max;generic_data;-m 101
SAP Login users;generic_data_string;-m 103

The list of available modules and the parameters to be used for each one is defined in the attached documentation of the SAP plugin located in the Pandora FMS library, available at the following link :