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Plugin modules

The following table describes the modules available for the PandoraFMS_SAP_Plugin plugin:

Module ID Server plugin Agent plugin Module description (by default)
SYS_INFO YES YES Obtains information from the SAP system to which it is connected in table format.
LOGIN_TEXT YES NO It checks if it is able to connect via RFC to the SAP system and generates an output indicating "Login OK" or a text with the error that occurs.
LOGIN_PROC YES NO It checks if it is able to connect via RFC to the SAP system and generates an output of 1 in case of success or 0 in case of error.
RFC_FUNC_COUNT YES NO It allows executing an RFC function and obtaining as output the number of records obtained in the query.
RFC_FUNC_TABLE YES NO It allows executing an RFC function and obtaining as output a table with the records obtained in the query.
RFC_FUNC_GROUPTABLE YES NO It allows executing an RFC function and obtaining as output a table with the records obtained in the query and a counter of the number of different records.
WP_DIA_FAIL_COUNT YES YES Counts the number of WP DIA in failed status on the SAP server.
WP_BGD_FAIL_COUNT YES YES Counts the number of WP BGDs in failed status on the SAP server.
WP_UPD_FAIL_COUNT YES YES Counts the number of WP UPDs in failed status on the SAP server.
WP_UP2_FAIL_COUNT YES YES Counts the number of WP UP2 in failed status on the SAP server.
WP_SPO_FAIL_COUNT YES YES Counts the number of WP SPOs in failed status on the SAP server.
WP_ENQ_FAIL_COUNT YES YES Counts the number of WP ENQs in failed status on the SAP server.
WP_NOREST_COUNT YES YES Counts the number of WP without "restart" active on the SAP server.
WP_STOP_COUNT YES YES Counts the amount of WP stopped on the SAP server.
WP_DIA_AVAIL_COUNT YES YES Counts the amount of WP DIA in available status on the SAP server.
WP_BGD_AVAIL_COUNT YES YES Counts the number of WP BGDs in available status on the SAP server.
WP_UPD_AVAIL_COUNT YES YES Counts the number of WP UPDs in available status on the SAP server.
WP_DIA_AVAIL_PERCENT YES YES Gets the percentage of WP DIA available on the SAP server.
WP_BGD_AVAIL_PERCENT YES YES Gets the percentage of WP BGDs available on the SAP server.
WP_UPD_AVAIL_PERCENT YES YES Gets the percentage of WP UPDs available on the SAP server.
IDOC_FAIL_COUNT YES YES Posts the number of failed IDocs since yesterday in the SAP system.
IDOC_OK_COUNT YES YES Posts the number of successful IDocs since yesterday in the SAP system.
DUMPS_YEST_TABLE YES YES Obtains a table of the DUMPs generated since yesterday in the SAP system.
DUMPS_YEST_COUNT YES YES Posts the DUMPs generated since yesterday in the SAP system.
JOBS_CANCEL_YEST_TABLE YES YES Obtains a table of JOBs canceled since yesterday in the SAP system.
JOBS_CANCEL_YEST_COUNT YES YES Posts the JOBs canceled since yesterday in the SAP system.
JOBS_CANCEL_YEST_GROUPTABLE YES YES Obtains a table where the JOBs canceled since yesterday in the SAP system are counted by name.
BATCH_INPUT_FAIL_COUNT YES YES Posts the failed "Batch input" since yesterday in the SAP system.
JOBS_CANCEL_TODAY_TABLE YES YES Gets a table of JOBs canceled today in the SAP system.
JOBS_CANCEL_TODAY_COUNT YES YES Posts the JOBs canceled today in the SAP system.
JOBS_CANCEL_TODAY_GROUPTABLE YES YES Obtains a table where the JOBs canceled today are counted by name in the SAP system.
DUMPS_TODAY_GROUPTABLE YES YES Obtains a table where the DUMPs generated today in the SAP system are counted by name.
DUMPS_TODAY_COUNT YES YES Posts the DUMPs generated today in the SAP system.
SEND_OP_NOPROC_COUNT YES YES Accounts for external shipping operations not processed since yesterday.
SEND_OP_PROC_COUNT YES YES Accounts for external shipping operations processed since yesterday.
RFC_READTABLE_COUNT YES NO It allows querying SAP system tables and obtaining as output the number of records obtained in the query.
RFC_READTABLE_TABLE YES NO It allows querying SAP system tables and obtaining as output a table with the records obtained in the query.
RFC_READTABLE_GROUPTABLE YES NO It allows querying SAP system tables and obtaining as output a table with the records obtained in the query and a counter for the number of different records.
ORA_TABLESPACES_TABLE YES YES Only available on SAP systems with Oracle database. Gets a table using Oracle's tablespaces.
ORA_TABLESPACES_95_COUNT YES YES Only available on SAP systems with Oracle database. Counts the tablespaces with a usage greater than or equal to 95%.
ORA_TABLESPACES_99_COUNT YES YES Only available on SAP systems with Oracle database. Counts the tablespaces with a usage greater than or equal to 99%.
BLOCK_ENTRIES_TABLE YES YES Gets a table with the SAP system lock entries.
BLOCK_ENTRIES_COUNT YES YES Posts the blocking entries of the SAP system.
CUSTOMER_OPEN_ITEMS_COUNT YES YES Posts the open objects of customer accounts in the SAP system.
CUSTOMER_CLOSING_BALANCE_TABLE YES YES Obtains a table of the closing balance of customer accounts from the SAP system.
CUSTOMER_CLEARING_TRANS_COUNT YES YES Posts clearing transactions for customer accounts in the SAP system.
PFL_PARAM_VALUES_TABLE YES YES Gets a table with PFL parameter values from the SAP system.
PROFILES_CHANGES_COUNT YES YES Posts changes to authorization profiles since yesterday in the SAP system.
PROFILES_CHANGES_TABLE YES YES Gets a table of changes to authorization profiles since yesterday in the SAP system.
MSSQL_LOG_SIZE_BYTES YES YES Only available on SAP systems with MS SQL database. Gets the size in bytes of the MS SQL log.
MSSQL_LOG_FREE_BYTES YES YES Only available on SAP systems with MS SQL database. Get the free bytes from the MS SQL log.
MSSQL_LOG_FREE_PERCENT YES YES Only available on SAP systems with MS SQL database. Gets the free percentage of the MS SQL log.
RFC_QUEUE_OUT_COUNT YES YES Posts the RFC output queue of the SAP system.
RFC_QUEUE_IN_COUNT YES YES Posts the RFC input queue of the SAP system.
RFC_SEND_FAIL_COUNT YES YES Accounts for failed delivery attempts in the SAP system.
RFC_SEND_FAIL_O_COUNT YES YES It counts the unsuccessful delivery attempts with an "O" output in the SAP system.
RFC_SEND_FAIL_I_COUNT YES YES Accounts for failed delivery attempts with "I" output in the SAP system.
RFC_ERROR_QUEUE_OUT_FAIL_COUNT YES YES Posts the queue of RFC output errors from the SAP system.
RFC_ERROR_QUEUE_IN_FAIL_COUNT YES YES Posts the RFC input error queue of the SAP system.
RFC_QUEUE_OUT_OLDER_SECONDS YES YES Gets the number of seconds since the oldest entry in the output queue was not processed.
RFC_QUEUE_IN_OLDER_SECONDS YES YES Gets the number of seconds since the oldest entry in the input queue was not processed.
HANA_FREE_MEM_BYTES YES YES Only available on SAP systems with Hana database. Gets the bytes of free memory for the database.
HANA_USED_MEM_BYTES YES YES Only available on SAP systems with Hana database. Gets the bytes of memory used from the database.
RFC_Z_TRANS YES NO It allows executing custom SAP function modules running SAP "Z" transactions and obtaining what is returned in "OUTPUT"output as a value.

The following table indicates the relevant information of the plugin modules for its execution:

Module ID XML name Data type Mandatory parameters Optional parameters
SYS_INFO SAP System info generic_data_string  




LOGIN_TEXT   generic_data_string    
LOGIN_PROC   generic_proc    
RFC_FUNC_COUNT   generic_data


-T oor -S




RFC_FUNC_TABLE   async_string


-T oor -S






RFC_FUNC_GROUPTABLE   async_string


-T oor -S






WP_DIA_FAIL_COUNT WP DIA failed - Count generic_data    
WP_BGD_FAIL_COUNT WP BGD failed - Count generic_data    
WP_UPD_FAIL_COUNT WP UPD failed - Count generic_data    
WP_UP2_FAIL_COUNT WP UP2 failed - Count generic_data    
WP_SPO_FAIL_COUNT WP SPO failed - Count generic_data    
WP_ENQ_FAIL_COUNT WP ENQ failed - Count generic_data    
WP_NOREST_COUNT WP with restart not active - Count generic_data    
WP_STOP_COUNT WP stopped - Count generic_data    
WP_DIA_AVAIL_COUNT WP DIA available - Count generic_data    
WP_BGD_AVAIL_COUNT WP BGD available - Count generic_data    
WP_UPD_AVAIL_COUNT WP UPD available - Count generic_data    
WP_DIA_AVAIL_PERCENT WP DIA available - Percent generic_data    
WP_BGD_AVAIL_PERCENT WP BGD available - Percent generic_data    
WP_UPD_AVAIL_PERCENT WP UPD available - Percent generic_data    
IDOC_FAIL_COUNT IDOCs failed from yesterday - Count generic_data    
IDOC_OK_COUNT IDOCs ok from yesterday - Count generic_data    
DUMPS_YEST_TABLE Dumps from yesterday - List async_string    
DUMPS_YEST_COUNT Dumps from yesterday - Count generic_data    
JOBS_CANCEL_YEST_TABLE Jobs canceled from yesterday - List async_string   -H
JOBS_CANCEL_YEST_COUNT Jobs canceled from yesterday - Count generic_data    
JOBS_CANCEL_YEST_GROUPTABLE Jobs canceled from yesterday - Grouped count list async_string   -H
BATCH_INPUT_FAIL_COUNT Batch input failed from yesterday - Count generic_data    
JOBS_CANCEL_TODAY_TABLE Jobs canceled today - List async_string   -H
JOBS_CANCEL_TODAY_COUNT Jobs canceled today - Count generic_data    
JOBS_CANCEL_TODAY_GROUPTABLE Jobs canceled today - Grouped count list async_string  



DUMPS_TODAY_GROUPTABLE Dumps today - Grouped count list async_string  



DUMPS_TODAY_COUNT Dumps today - Count generic_data    
SEND_OP_NOPROC_COUNT External send operations not processed from yesterday - Count generic_data    
SEND_OP_PROC_COUNT External send operations processed from yesterday - Count generic_data    
RFC_READTABLE_COUNT   generic_data




RFC_READTABLE_TABLE   async_string












ORA_TABLESPACES_TABLE Oracle tablespaces usage - List generic_data_string  



ORA_TABLESPACES_95_COUNT Oracle tablespaces usage greater equal 95% - Count generic_data    
ORA_TABLESPACES_99_COUNT Oracle tablespaces usage greater equal 99% - Count generic_data    
BLOCK_ENTRIES_TABLE System block entries - List async_string  



BLOCK_ENTRIES_COUNT System block entries - Count generic_data    
CUSTOMER_OPEN_ITEMS_COUNT Customers accounts open items - Count generic_data   -I
CUSTOMER_CLOSING_BALANCE_TABLE Closing balance of customers accounts - List async_string  




CUSTOMER_CLEARING_TRANS_COUNT Customers accounts clearing transactions - Count generic_data   -I
PFL_PARAM_VALUES_TABLE PFL parameters values - List async_string  




PROFILES_CHANGES_COUNT Changes on auth profiles from yesterday - Count generic_data  



PROFILES_CHANGES_TABLE Changes on auth profiles from yesterday - List async_string  





MSSQL_LOG_SIZE_BYTES MS SQL log size generic_data    
MSSQL_LOG_FREE_BYTES MS SQL log free generic_data    
MSSQL_LOG_FREE_PERCENT MS SQL log free % generic_data    
RFC_QUEUE_OUT_COUNT RFC Queue OUT - Count generic_data   -I
RFC_QUEUE_IN_COUNT RFC Queue IN - Count generic_data   -I
RFC_SEND_FAIL_COUNT RFC send tries failed - Count generic_data   -I
RFC_SEND_FAIL_O_COUNT RFC send tries failed return O - Count generic_data   -I
RFC_SEND_FAIL_I_COUNT RFC send tries failed return I - Count generic_data   -I
RFC_ERROR_QUEUE_OUT_FAIL_COUNT RFC Error queue OUT failed - Count generic_data    
RFC_ERROR_QUEUE_IN_FAIL_COUNT RFC Error queue IN failed - Count generic_data    
RFC_QUEUE_OUT_OLDER_SECONDS RFC Queue OUT - Older entry seconds not processing generic_data   -I
RFC_QUEUE_IN_OLDER_SECONDS RFC Queue IN - Older entry seconds not processing generic_data   -I
HANA_FREE_MEM_BYTES Hana free memory bytes generic_data    
HANA_USED_MEM_BYTES Hana used memory bytes generic_data    
RFC_Z_TRANS      -F -I