Módulos generados por el plugin
La ejecución estándar de este plugin devolverá los siguientes módulos por defecto (con todos los bloques opcionales habilitados):
- redis_version: Version of the Redis server
- redis_git_sha1: Git SHA1
- redis_git_dirty: Git dirty flag
- redis_build_id: The build id
- redis_mode: The server's mode ("standalone", "sentinel" or "cluster")
- os: Operating system hosting the Redis server
- arch_bits: Architecture (32 or 64 bits)
- multiplexing_api: Event loop mechanism used by Redis
- atomicvar_api: Atomicvar API used by Redis
- gcc_version: Version of the GCC compiler used to compile the Redis server
- process_id: PID of the server process
- run_id: Random value identifying the Redis server (to be used by Sentinel and Cluster)
- tcp_port: TCP/IP listen port
- uptime_in_seconds: Number of seconds since Redis server start
- uptime_in_days: Same value expressed in days
- hz: The server's frequency setting
- lru_clock: Clock incrementing every minute, for LRU management
- executable: The path to the server's executable
- config_file: The path to the config file
- connected_clients: Number of client connections (excluding connections from replicas)
- client_longest_output_list: longest output list among current client connections
- client_biggest_input_buf: biggest input buffer among current client connections
- blocked_clients: Number of clients pending on a blocking call (BLPOP, BRPOP, BRPOPLPUSH)
- used_memory: Total number of bytes allocated by Redis using its allocator (either standard libc, jemalloc, or an alternative allocator such as tcmalloc)
- used_memory_human: Human readable representation of previous value
- used_memory_rss: Number of bytes that Redis allocated as seen by the operating system (a.k.a resident set size). This is the number reported by tools such as top(1) and ps(1)
- used_memory_rss_human: Human readable representation of previous value
- used_memory_peak: Peak memory consumed by Redis (in bytes)
- used_memory_peak_human: Human readable representation of previous value
- used_memory_peak_perc: The percentage of used_memory_peak out ofused_memory
- used_memory_overhead: The sum in bytes of all overheads that the server allocated for managing its internal data structures
- used_memory_startup: Initial amount of memory consumed by Redis at startup in bytes
- used_memory_dataset: The size in bytes of the dataset (used_memory_overhead subtracted from used_memory)
- used_memory_dataset_perc: The percentage of used_memory_datasetout of the net memory usage (used_memory minus used_memory_startup)
- total_system_memory: The total amount of memory that the Redis host has
- total_system_memory_human: Human readable representation of previous value
- used_memory_lua: Number of bytes used by the Lua engine
- used_memory_lua_human: Human readable representation of previous value
- maxmemory: The value of the maxmemory configuration directive
- maxmemory_human: Human readable representation of previous value
- maxmemory_policy: The value of the maxmemory-policy configuration directive
- mem_fragmentation_ratio: Ratio between used_memory_rss and used_memory
- mem_allocator: Memory allocator, chosen at compile time
- active_defrag_running: Flag indicating if active defragmentation is active
- lazyfree_pending_objects: The number of objects waiting to be freed (as a result of calling UNLINK, or FLUSHDB and FLUSHALL with the ASYNC option)
- loading: Flag indicating if the load of a dump file is on-going
- rdb_changes_since_last_save: Number of changes since the last dump
- rdb_bgsave_in_progress: Flag indicating a RDB save is on-going
- rdb_last_save_time: Epoch-based timestamp of last successful RDB save
- rdb_last_bgsave_status: Status of the last RDB save operation
- rdb_last_bgsave_time_sec: Duration of the last RDB save operation in seconds
- rdb_current_bgsave_time_sec: Duration of the on-going RDB save operation if any
- rdb_last_cow_size: The size in bytes of copy-on-write allocations during the last RBD save operation
- aof_enabled: Flag indicating AOF logging is activated
- aof_rewrite_in_progress: Flag indicating a AOF rewrite operation is on-going
- aof_rewrite_scheduled: Flag indicating an AOF rewrite operation will be scheduled once the on-going RDB save is complete.
- aof_last_rewrite_time_sec: Duration of the last AOF rewrite operation in seconds
- aof_current_rewrite_time_sec: Duration of the on-going AOF rewrite operation if any
- aof_last_bgrewrite_status: Status of the last AOF rewrite operation
- aof_last_write_status: Status of the last write operation to the AOF
- aof_last_cow_size: The size in bytes of copy-on-write allocations during the last AOF rewrite operation
If AOF is activated, these additional fields will be added:
- aof_current_size: AOF current file size
- aof_base_size: AOF file size on latest startup or rewrite
- aof_pending_rewrite: Flag indicating an AOF rewrite operation will be scheduled once the on-going RDB save is complete.
- aof_buffer_length: Size of the AOF buffer
- aof_rewrite_buffer_length: Size of the AOF rewrite buffer
- aof_pending_bio_fsync: Number of fsync pending jobs in background I/O queue
- aof_delayed_fsync: Delayed fsync counter
If a load operation is on-going, these additional fields will be added:
- loading_start_time: Epoch-based timestamp of the start of the load operation
- loading_total_bytes: Total file size
- loading_loaded_bytes: Number of bytes already loaded
- loading_loaded_perc: Same value expressed as a percentage
- loading_eta_seconds: ETA in seconds for the load to be complete
- total_connections_received: Total number of connections accepted by the server
- total_commands_processed: Total number of commands processed by the server
- instantaneous_ops_per_sec: Number of commands processed per second
- total_net_input_bytes: The total number of bytes read from the network
- total_net_output_bytes: The total number of bytes written to the network
- instantaneous_input_kbps: The network's read rate per second in KB/sec
- instantaneous_output_kbps: The network's write rate per second in KB/sec
- rejected_connections: Number of connections rejected because ofmaxclients limit
- sync_full: The number of full resyncs with replicas
- sync_partial_ok: The number of accepted partial resync requests
- sync_partial_err: The number of denied partial resync requests
- expired_keys: Total number of key expiration events
- evicted_keys: Number of evicted keys due to maxmemory limit
- keyspace_hits: Number of successful lookup of keys in the main dictionary
- keyspace_misses: Number of failed lookup of keys in the main dictionary
- pubsub_channels: Global number of pub/sub channels with client subscriptions
- pubsub_patterns: Global number of pub/sub pattern with client subscriptions
- latest_fork_usec: Duration of the latest fork operation in microseconds
- migrate_cached_sockets: The number of sockets open for MIGRATEpurposes
- slave_expires_tracked_keys: The number of keys tracked for expiry purposes (applicable only to writable replicas)
- active_defrag_hits: Number of value reallocations performed by active the defragmentation process
- active_defrag_misses: Number of aborted value reallocations started by the active defragmentation process
- active_defrag_key_hits: Number of keys that were actively defragmented
- active_defrag_key_misses: Number of keys that were skipped by the active defragmentation process
- role: Value is "master" if the instance is replica of no one, or "slave" if the instance is a replica of some master instance. Note that a replica can be master of another replica (chained replication).
- master_replid: The replication ID of the Redis server.
- master_replid2: The secondary replication ID, used for PSYNC after a failover.
- master_repl_offset: The server's current replication offset
- second_repl_offset: The offset up to which replication IDs are accepted
- repl_backlog_active: Flag indicating replication backlog is active
- repl_backlog_size: Total size in bytes of the replication backlog buffer
- repl_backlog_first_byte_offset: The master offset of the replication backlog buffer
- repl_backlog_histlen: Size in bytes of the data in the replication backlog buffer
If the instance is a replica, these additional fields are provided:
- master_host: Host or IP address of the master
- master_port: Master listening TCP port
- master_link_status: Status of the link (up/down)
- master_last_io_seconds_ago: Number of seconds since the last interaction with master
- master_sync_in_progress: Indicate the master is syncing to the replica
- slave_repl_offset: The replication offset of the replica instance
- slave_priority: The priority of the instance as a candidate for failover
- slave_read_only: Flag indicating if the replica is read-only
If a SYNC operation is on-going, these additional fields are provided:
- master_sync_left_bytes: Number of bytes left before syncing is complete
- master_sync_last_io_seconds_ago: Number of seconds since last transfer I/O during a SYNC operation
If the link between master and replica is down, an additional field is provided:
- master_link_down_since_seconds: Number of seconds since the link is down
The following field is always provided:
- connected_slaves: Number of connected replicas
If the server is configured with the min-slaves-to-write (or starting with Redis 5 with the min-replicas-to-write) directive, an additional field is provided:
- min_slaves_good_slaves: Number of replicas currently considered good
For each replica, the following line is added:
- slaveXXX: id, IP address, port, state, offset, lag
- used_cpu_sys: System CPU consumed by the Redis server
- used_cpu_user:User CPU consumed by the Redis server
- used_cpu_sys_children: System CPU consumed by the background processes
- used_cpu_user_children: User CPU consumed by the background processes
- cmdstat_XXX: calls=XXX,usec=XXX,usec_per_call=XXX
- cluster_enabled: Indicate Redis cluster is enabled
dbXXX: keys=XXX,expires=XXX