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Requirements for the Use of the Online Installation Tool

To use the online installation tool, just access the command line of your Cloud provider, and by means of the root user, run:

In you use RHEL 8.x and Rocky Linux 8.x:

curl -sSL | bash

In you use Ubuntu server 22.04:

curl -SsL | bash

There is a similar online installation tool for Pandora FMS Enterprise version that you may request if you are a user of this version through the support portal or through this link get a free trial (demo). In addition, for Satellite server installation, there is an online installation tool too.

By means of this execution, the whole stack necessary for Pandora FMS will be installed, rendering an instance fully funtional to start monitoring.


You may get more information in our video tutorial «Cloud installers (agents, server)».

Custom installation using the online installation tool

Although the previous execution performs a full environment installation, it is possible to define different modifications through the environment variables to customize the installation.

These modifiers are:

  • TZ: Define the time zone (time zone) of the machine, by default it is Europe/Madrid.
  • DBHOST: The database host, by defaultDBHOST= .
  • DBNAME: The database name to be created, by default DBNAME=pandora.
  • DBUSER: The database user will be created, by default DBUSER=pandora .
  • DBPASS: The user password that will be created, by default DBPASS=pandora.
  • DBPORT: Port number of the database to be connected, by default DBPORT=3306.
  • DBROOTPASS: Database root user password, by default DBROOTPASS=pandora.
  • SKIP_PRECHECK: Skip the check of whether there is an prior Pandora FMS installation, useful for creating a new database and pointing the installation to that one; by default SKIP_PRECHECK=0.
  • SKIP_DATABASE_INSTALL: Skip the database installation, useful for having a database installed, whether local or remote and using its credentials for creating Pandora FMS database; by default SKIP_DATABASE_INSTALL=0.
  • SKIP_KERNEL_OPTIMIZATIONS: SaltarseSkip lathe optimización derecommended kernel recomendada,optimization, soloonly parafor usuariosadvanced avanzados.users. PorBy defectodefault SKIP_KERNEL_OPTIMIZATIONS=0.
  • MYVER: Define la versión dethe MySQL aversion instalar,to sibe seinstalled, defineif 80 seis instalarádefined MySQL 8.8 Porwill defectobe installed. By default MYVER=57 (despliegadeploy MySQL 5.7).
  • PHPVER: Define laPHP versiónversion deto be installed, if 8 is defined, PHP a instalar, si se define 8 sewill instalarábe PHPinstalled. 8.By Por defectodefault PHPVER=7 (despliegadeploy PHP 7).
  • PANDORA_SERVER_PACKAGE: Define lathe URL delof paquetethe RPM delpackage servidorof dethe Pandora FMS queserver seyou deseewish Porinstall. defectoBy estádefault, definidathe lalast últimaavailable versiónversion defined.
  • PANDORA_CONSOLE_PACKAGE: Define lathe URL delof paquetethe RPM depackage laof Consola web dethe Pandora FMS queWeb seconsole deseeyou instalar.wish Porto defectoinstall. estáThe definidalatest laversion últimaavailable versiónis disponible.defined by default.
  • PANDORA_AGENT_PACKAGE: Define lathe URL delof paquetethe RPM delpackage Agenteof software dethe Pandora FMS quesoftware seagent deseeyou instalar.wish Porto defectoinstall. estáThe definidalatest laversion últimaavailable versiónis disponible.defined by default.
  • PANDORA_BETA: SiIf sedefined define ato 1, sethe instalaránpackages losfrom paquetesthe delatest la últimabeta version betaavailable disponiblewill be installed (soloonly parafor entornostest de prueba)environments). PorBy defectodefault PANDORA_BETA=0 (siif estánspecific definidospackages paquetesare específicosdefined, seignore ignorathis esta opción)option).

Para el uso de estas variables de entorno basta con definirlas antes de ejecutar el script de instalación, por ejemplo, en una instalación en RHEL 8 con variables definidas ejecute el bloque:

env TZ='Europe/Madrid' \
 DBHOST='' \
 DBNAME='pandora' \
 DBUSER='pandora' \
 DBPASS='pandora' \
 DBPORT='3306' \
 DBROOTPASS='pandora' \
 MYVER=57 \
 sh -c "$(curl -fsSL"