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Modulos generados por el plugin

Se creara un agente por cada instancia de nuestra instalación openstack, con sus métricas . Aparte se creará un agente por cada hypervisor utilizado de nuestra instalación.



Módulos del agente de la instancia

Nombre Descripción
memory memory used by the machine
memory-actual memory actual used by the machine
memory-rss Resident Set Size and is used to show how much memory is allocated
vda_errors diagnostics for a libvirt based instance, vda receibed errors
vda_read diagnostics for a libvirt based instance, vda dates read
vda_read_req diagnostics for a libvirt based instance, vda dates requests read
vda_write diagnostics for a libvirt based instance, vda dates write
vda_write_req diagnostics for a libvirt based instance, vda write requests dates



Módulos generados en los agentes de los hypervisores:

Nombre Descripción
free_disk_gb avalaible disk space
free_ram_mb available ram
disk_available_least this value is dependent on over committed value of disk, disk_available_least = disk_free_gb - disk_over_committed
local_gb the total available disk for the node's virtual machine, local_gb = local_gb_used + free_disk_gb
local_gb_used the sum of the node's virtual machine disk
memory_mb the total ram of the node, memory_mb_used + free_ram_mb
memory_mb_used the sum of the rams of the node's virtual machine
vcpus node ​​physical cpu total threads
vcpus_used the sum of the vcpus of the node virtual machine
current_workload hypervisor current workload
host_ip hypervisor host ip
hypervisor_type hypervisor type
hypervisor_version hypervisor version
running_vms number of virtual machines running
