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Modules generated by the plugin

An agent of the instance that we have introduced by parameters will be created by introducing its id, with its metrics (to load the data of another instance, we will have to execute the plugin again, changing the id of the instance. Apart from this, an agent will be created for each hypervisor used in our installation.


Instance agent modules

memorymemory used by the machine
memory-actualmemory actual used by the machine
memory-rssResident Set Size and is used to show how much memory is allocated
vda_errorsdiagnostics for a libvirt based instance, vda receibed errors
vda_readdiagnostics for a libvirt based instance, vda dates read
vda_read_reqdiagnostics for a libvirt based instance, vda dates requests read
vda_writediagnostics for a libvirt based instance, vda dates write
vda_write_reqdiagnostics for a libvirt based instance, vda write requests dates


Modules generated in the hypervisor agents:

free_disk_gbavalaible disk space
free_ram_mbavailable ram
disk_available_leastthis value is dependent on over committed value of disk, disk_available_least = disk_free_gb - disk_over_committed
local_gbthe total available disk for the node's virtual machine, local_gb = local_gb_used + free_disk_gb
local_gb_usedthe sum of the node's virtual machine disk
memory_mbthe total ram of the node, memory_mb_used + free_ram_mb
memory_mb_usedthe sum of the rams of the node's virtual machine
vcpusnode ​​physical cpu total threads
vcpus_usedthe sum of the vcpus of the node virtual machine
current_workloadhypervisor current workload
host_iphypervisor host ip
hypervisor_typehypervisor type
hypervisor_versionhypervisor version
running_vmsnumber of virtual machines running
