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General parameters


Nombre  Description
-exe Directory to the binary of your automation utility or test tool.
It is also possible to select the internal mode:
** Windows only:
PDR - complex desktop check tool.
** windows & linux:
PWR - complex web check tool (with Selenium).
** requires curl in the PATH:
stats - fast web server performance monitoring.
** linux only:
goliat - web checks based on Pandora Webserver
-args (opcional) Arguments for the automation tool

Script(s) to be executed.

You can define as many as you need. For example:
-script script1,script2,script3.

-folder (opcional) Directory in which the screenshots will be stored
  * PWR: defines the name of the transaction.
* PWD: name of the phase, you can define as many as you need.
example: -name phase1,phase2,phase3
should match with the defined scripts
-pwr_port(opcional) PWR server listening port
4444 by default, requires -exe PWR
-pwr_host(opcional) Host on which the PWR server is located
Localhost by default, requires -exe PWR
-pwr_browser(opcional) Browser in which PWR checks will be executed
*Firefox by default, requires -exe PWR
-pwr_classic(opcional) Use the old libraries
PandoraFMS::WebDriver, requires -exe PWR, default 0
-pwr_override_global_phase_time (opcional)

Substitute the value of the global module time, by the sum of all phases.

If the token is set to 1, the sum of all phases will be used as the module value.

-retries (opcional) Maximum number of retries in case of error
-ss_config (opcional) Configuration of the screenshots: X,Y,Width,Height
example: -ss_config 0,0,0,100,100
will get a 100x100 image from coordinates 0,0
[Windows only]: activate the -ss_config parameter to capture the active window.
-checkpoint (opcional) Create a new control screenshot
-s(opcional) Substitution macro, replaces each instance of _text_ with the configured value. It is possible to use now+1 as the value to insert the current day. You can set as many macros (-s) as you need, followed by formatting (-f) if
is needed:
-s macro1=value1 -f format1 -s macro2=value2 -f format2
-f(opcional) Format for date type macros
uses std notation:
example: -f "%y%m%d" with date 2016, Sep 13 to get 160913.
  Uses the errorlevel output for checks in case of failure. It is checked by
default in case the plugin returns any '[error]' phase.
-max_differences(opcional) Specifies the maximum percentage difference between the control image and those obtained as a result of the test. By default it is set to the numerical value 0.5.


Email configuration

-to (opcional) Dirección deDestination email deaddress destinoto quebe sesent enviaráin encase caso deof error
-from (opcional) RemitenteEmail del emailsender
-subject (opcional) AsuntoEmail del emailsubject
-content (opcional) ContenidoEmail del emailcontent
-smtp_gw (opcional) Gatewaysmtp delserver servidor smtp,gateway, porby defectodefault
-smtp_port (opcional) PuertoSmtp delserver servidor smtp.port. 25 porby defectodefault


PandoraFMS modules configuration

-t name (opcional) (soloPDR modomode PDR)only) habilitaenables yand configuraconfigures una nombrename parafor lathe transacción"global" “global”.transaction. DeFrom
estaall maneracheck todosmodules loswill módulosbe deassociated losto chequeosthe iránglobal asociadostransaction almodule, módulonamed de transacción
global, llamado ‘'UX XXXX nombre’name'.
transaction module, called 'UX XXXX name'.
-interval (opcional) ConfiguraSet una module interval parafor losthe módulosmodules resultantesresulting delfrom chequeothe test
-g (opcional) ConfiguraConfigures una module group parafor losthe módulosmodules resultantesresulting delfrom chequeothe test
-post (opcional) ComandoCommand queto sebe ejecutaráexecuted alat acabarthe elend chequeo,of porthe ejemplo,check, matare.g. kill firefox:
-post "taskkill /F /IM firefox.exe"
-post "killall firefox".
-tag_list x (opcional) AñadeAdd x (separadoscomma por comas)separated) tags ato losthe módulosgenerated generados,modules, ejemplo:example:


Extra fields

-exit_on_fail (opcional) TerminaImmediately inmediatamenteterminate lathe transaccióntransaction siif noit esis posiblenot conectarpossible conto elconnect servidorto the server.
PWR. 0 porby defectodefault
-phase_snapshot (opcional) GeneraGenerates unone screenshot porper fase.phase. 0 porby defectodefault.
-classic_mode (opcional) ElThe token aset to 0 siemprealways actualizaupdates lathe latencia.latency. ElThe token ato 1 soloonly actualizaupdates lathe latencialatency siif the check is successful.
lathe comprobacióncheck hahas resultadobeen exitosa.successful. 0 porby defectodefault.
-v (opcional) Activa el modoActivates verbose mode
-agent (opcional) DefineDefines lathe ejecuciónexecution comoas plugina deserver servidor,plugin, configuraconfigures elthe nombrename delof agentethe enagent in which the output modules will be stored.
elwhere quethe seoutput almacenaránmodules loswill módulosbe de salidastored
-agent_group (opcional) SiIf sethe define el"agent" token “agent”is ydefined creaand una agentenew nuevo,agent configurais elcreated, grupoit alconfigures quethe pertenecerá.group to which it will belong.
-interval (opcional) SiIf sethe define el"agent" token “agent”is ydefined creaand una agentenew nuevo,agent configurais elcreated, intervaloit queconfigures the interval it will have.
tendrá.it will have. 300 porby defectodefault
-tentacle_ip (opcional) iptentacle delserver servidor tentacle.ip. porby defectodefault
-tentacle_port (opcional) PuertoTentacle delserver servidor tentacle.port. 41121 porby defectodefault
-tentacle_opts (opcional) Opciones extra del servidorExtra tentacle server options
-local_folder (opcional) DirectorioTentacle local de /var/spool/pandora/data_in porby defectodefault
-mode (opcional) [local|tentacle] modotransfer demode, transferencia, “"local porby defecto”default".