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Plugin modules

EnThe lafollowing siguientetable tabladescribes sethe describenmodules losavailable módulosfor disponiblesthe paraPandoraFMS_SAP_Plugin el plugin PandoraFMS_SAP_Plugin:plugin:

Module ID módulo PluginServer de servidorplugin PluginAgent de agenteplugin DescripciónModule módulodescription (porby defecto)default)
SYS_INFO SIYES SIYES ObtieneObtains informacióninformation delfrom sistemathe SAP alsystem queto sewhich conectait enis formatoconnected table format.
LOGIN_TEXT SIYES NO CompruebaIt sichecks esif capazit deis conectarable to connect via RFC alto sistemathe SAP ysystem generaand unagenerates salidaan indicandooutput indicating "Login OK" oor una textotext conwith elthe error quethat se produzca.occurs.
LOGIN_PROC SIYES NO CompruebaIt sichecks esif capazit deis conectarable to connect via RFC alto sistemathe SAP ysystem generaand unagenerates salidaan deoutput of 1 enin casocase deof exitosuccess o deor 0 enin casocase deof error.
RFC_FUNC_COUNT SIYES NO PermiteIt ejecutarallows unaexecuting funciónan RFC yfunction obtenerand comoobtaining salidaas laoutput cantidadthe denumber registrosof obtenidosrecords enobtained lain consulta.the query.
RFC_FUNC_TABLE SIYES NO PermiteIt ejecutarallows unaexecuting funciónan RFC yfunction obtenerand comoobtaining salidaas unaoutput tablaa contable loswith registrosthe obtenidosrecords enobtained lain consulta.the query.
RFC_FUNC_GROUPTABLE SIYES NO PermiteIt ejecutarallows unaexecuting funciónan RFC yfunction obtenerand comoobtaining salidaas unaoutput tablaa contable loswith registrosthe obtenidosrecords enobtained lain consultathe yquery unand contadora decounter laof cantidadthe denumber registrosof distintos.different records.
WP_DIA_FAIL_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaCounts lathe cantidadnumber deof WP DIA enin estadofailed fallidostatus enon elthe servidorSAP SAP.server.
WP_BGD_FAIL_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaCounts lathe cantidadnumber deof WP BGDBGDs enin estadofailed falidostatus enon elthe servidorSAP SAP.server.
WP_UPD_FAIL_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaCounts lathe cantidadnumber deof WP UPDUPDs enin estadofailed falidostatus enon elthe servidorSAP SAP.server.
WP_UP2_FAIL_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaCounts lathe cantidadnumber deof WP UP2 enin estadofailed falidostatus enon elthe servidorSAP SAP.server.
WP_SPO_FAIL_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaCounts lathe cantidadnumber deof WP SPOSPOs enin estadofailed falidostatus enon elthe servidorSAP SAP.server.
WP_ENQ_FAIL_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaCounts lathe cantidadnumber deof WP ENQENQs enin estadofailed falidostatus enon elthe servidorSAP SAP.server.
WP_NOREST_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaCounts lathe cantidadnumber deof WP sinwithout "restart" activoactive enon elthe servidorSAP SAP.server.
WP_STOP_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaCounts lathe cantidadamount eof WP detenidosstopped enon elthe servidorSAP SAP.server.
WP_DIA_AVAIL_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaCounts lathe cantidadamount deof WP DIA enin estadoavailable disponiblestatus enon elthe servidorSAP SAP.server.
WP_BGD_AVAIL_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaCounts lathe cantidadnumber deof WP BGDBGDs enin estadoavailable disponiblestatus enon elthe servidorSAP SAP.server.
WP_UPD_AVAIL_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaCounts lathe cantidadnumber deof WP UPDUPDs enin estadoavailable disponiblestatus enon elthe servidorSAP SAP.server.
WP_DIA_AVAIL_PERCENT SIYES SIYES ObtieneGets elthe porcentajepercentage deof WP DIA disponiblesavailable enon elthe servidorSAP SAP.server.
WP_BGD_AVAIL_PERCENT SIYES SIYES ObtieneGets elthe porcentajepercentage deof WP BGDBGDs disponiblesavailable enon elthe servidorSAP SAP.server.
WP_UPD_AVAIL_PERCENT SIYES SIYES ObtieneGets elthe porcentajepercentage deof WP UPDUPDs disponiblesavailable enon elthe servidorSAP SAP.server.
IDOC_FAIL_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaPosts lathe cantidadnumber deof IDOCsfailed fallidosIDocs desdesince ayeryesterday enin elthe sistemaSAP SAP.system.
IDOC_OK_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaPosts lathe cantidadnumber deof IDOCssuccessful exitososIDocs desdesince ayeryesterday enin elthe sistemaSAP SAP.system.
DUMPS_YEST_TABLE SIYES SIYES ObtieneObtains unaa tablatable deof losthe DUMPs generadosgenerated desdesince ayeryesterday enin elthe sistemaSAP SAP.system.
DUMPS_YEST_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaPosts losthe DUMPs generadosgenerated desdesince ayeryesterday enin elthe sistemaSAP SAP.system.
JOBS_CANCEL_YEST_TABLE SIYES SIYES ObtieneObtains unaa tablatable de losof JOBs canceladoscanceled desdesince ayeryesterday enin elthe sistemaSAP SAP.system.
JOBS_CANCEL_YEST_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaPosts losthe JOBs canceladoscanceled desdesince ayeryesterday enin elthe sistemaSAP SAP.system.
JOBS_CANCEL_YEST_GROUPTABLE SIYES SIYES ObtieneObtains unaa tablatable dondewhere contabiliza por nombre losthe JOBs canceladoscanceled desdesince ayeryesterday enin elthe sistemaSAP SAP.system are counted by name.
BATCH_INPUT_FAIL_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaPosts losthe failed "Batch input" fallidossince desdeyesterday ayerin enthe elSAP sistema SAP.system.
JOBS_CANCEL_TODAY_TABLE SIYES SIYES ObtieneGets unaa tablatable de losof JOBs canceladoscanceled hoytoday enin elthe sistemaSAP SAP.system.
JOBS_CANCEL_TODAY_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaPosts losthe JOBs canceladoscanceled hoytoday enin elthe sistemaSAP SAP.system.
JOBS_CANCEL_TODAY_GROUPTABLE SIYES SIYES ObtieneObtains unaa tablatable dondewhere contabiliza por nombre losthe JOBs canceladoscanceled hoytoday enare elcounted sistemaby in the SAP system.
DUMPS_TODAY_GROUPTABLE SIYES SIYES ObtieneObtains unaa tablatable dondewhere contabiliza por nombre losthe DUMPs generadosgenerated hoytoday enin elthe sistemaSAP SAP.system are counted by name.
DUMPS_TODAY_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaPosts losthe DUMPs generadosgenerated hoytoday enin elthe sistemaSAP SAP.system.
SEND_OP_NOPROC_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaAccounts lasfor operacionesexternal deshipping enviooperations externasnot noprocessed procesadassince desde ayer.yesterday.
SEND_OP_PROC_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaAccounts lasfor operacionesexternal deshipping enviooperations externasprocessed procesadassince desde ayer.yesterday.
RFC_READTABLE_COUNT SIYES NO PermiteIt consultarallows tablas del sistemaquerying SAP ysystem obtenertables comoand salidaobtaining laas cantidadoutput dethe registrosnumber obtenidosof enrecords laobtained the query.
RFC_READTABLE_TABLE SIYES NO PermiteIt consultarallows tablas del sistemaquerying SAP ysystem obtenertables comoand salidaobtaining unaas tablaoutput cona lostable registroswith obtenidosthe enrecords laobtained the query.
RFC_READTABLE_GROUPTABLE SIYES NO PermiteIt consultarallows tablas del sistemaquerying SAP ysystem obtenertables comoand salidaobtaining unaas tablaoutput cona lostable registroswith obtenidosthe enrecords laobtained consultain ythe unquery contadorand dea lacounter cantidadfor dethe registrosnumber distintos.of different records.
ORA_TABLESPACES_TABLE SIYES SIYES SoloOnly disponibleavailable en sistemason SAP consystems basewith deOracle datosdatabase. Oracle.Gets Obtienea unatable tablausing conOracle's el uso de los tablespaces de Oracle.tablespaces.
ORA_TABLESPACES_95_COUNT SIYES SIYES SoloOnly disponibleavailable en sistemason SAP consystems basewith deOracle datosdatabase. Oracle.Counts Contabiliza losthe tablespaces conwith una usousage mayorgreater othan igualor alequal to 95%.
ORA_TABLESPACES_99_COUNT SIYES SIYES SoloOnly disponibleavailable en sistemason SAP consystems basewith deOracle datosdatabase. Oracle.Counts Contabiliza losthe tablespaces conwith una usousage mayorgreater othan igualor alequal to 99%.
BLOCK_ENTRIES_TABLE SIYES SIYES ObtieneGets unaa tablatable conwith lasthe entradasSAP desystem bloqueolock del sistema SAP.entries.
BLOCK_ENTRIES_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaPosts lasthe entradasblocking deentries bloqueoof delthe sistemaSAP SAP.system.
CUSTOMER_OPEN_ITEMS_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaPosts losthe objetosopen abiertosobjects deof lascustomer cuentasaccounts dein clientesthe delSAP sistema SAP.system.
CUSTOMER_CLOSING_BALANCE_TABLE SIYES SIYES ObtieneObtains unaa tablatable delof the closing balance deof cierrecustomer deaccounts lasfrom cuentasthe deSAP clientes del sistema SAP.system.
CUSTOMER_CLEARING_TRANS_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaPosts lasclearing transaccionestransactions defor compensacióncustomer deaccounts lasin cuentasthe deSAP clientes del sistema SAP.system.
PFL_PARAM_VALUES_TABLE SIYES SIYES ObtieneGets unaa tablatable con los valores de parámetroswith PFL delparameter sistemavalues SAP.from the SAP system.
PROFILES_CHANGES_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaPosts loschanges cambiosto enauthorization losprofiles perfilessince deyesterday autorizaciónin desdethe ayerSAP en el sistema SAP.system.
PROFILES_CHANGES_TABLE SIYES SIYES ObtieneGets unaa tablatable deof loschanges cambiosto enauthorization losprofiles perfilessince deyesterday autorizaciónin desdethe ayerSAP en el sistema SAP.system.
MSSQL_LOG_SIZE_BYTES SIYES SIYES SoloOnly disponibleavailable en sistemason SAP consystems base de datoswith MS SQL.SQL Obtienedatabase. elGets tamañothe ensize in bytes delof log dethe MS SQL.SQL log.
MSSQL_LOG_FREE_BYTES SIYES SIYES SoloOnly disponibleavailable en sistemason SAP consystems base de datoswith MS SQL.SQL Obtienedatabase. losGet the free bytes libresfrom del log dethe MS SQL.SQL log.
MSSQL_LOG_FREE_PERCENT SIYES SIYES SoloOnly disponibleavailable en sistemason SAP consystems base de datoswith MS SQL.SQL Obtienedatabase. elGets porcentajethe librefree delpercentage logof dethe MS SQL.SQL log.
RFC_QUEUE_OUT_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaPosts la cola de salidathe RFC deloutput sistemaqueue SAP.of the SAP system.
RFC_QUEUE_IN_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaPosts la cola de entradathe RFC delinput sistemaqueue SAP.of the SAP system.
RFC_SEND_FAIL_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaAccounts losfor intentosfailed fallidosdelivery deattempts envioin enthe elSAP sistema SAP.system.
RFC_SEND_FAIL_O_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaIt loscounts intentosthe fallidosunsuccessful dedelivery envioattempts conwith salidaan "O" enoutput elin sistemathe SAP.SAP system.
RFC_SEND_FAIL_I_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaAccounts losfor intentosfailed fallidosdelivery deattempts envio con salidawith "I" enoutput elin sistemathe SAP.SAP system.
RFC_ERROR_QUEUE_OUT_FAIL_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaPosts lathe colaqueue de errores de salidaof RFC deloutput sistemaerrors SAP.from the SAP system.
RFC_ERROR_QUEUE_IN_FAIL_COUNT SIYES SIYES ContabilizaPosts lathe colaRFC deinput erroreserror dequeue entradaRFCof delthe sistemaSAP SAP.system.
RFC_QUEUE_OUT_OLDER_SECONDS SIYES SIYES ObtieneGets losthe segundosnumber transcurridosof desdeseconds quesince lathe entradaoldest másentry antiguain dethe laoutput colaqueue dewas salidanot no se procesa.processed.
RFC_QUEUE_IN_OLDER_SECONDS SIYES SIYES ObtieneGets losthe segundosnumber transcurridosof desdeseconds quesince lathe entradaoldest másentry antiguain dethe lainput colaqueue dewas entradanot no se procesa.processed.
HANA_FREE_MEM_BYTES SIYES SIYES SoloOnly disponibleavailable en sistemason SAP consystems basewith deHana datosdatabase. Hana.Gets Obtiene losthe bytes deof memoriafree librememory defor lathe base de datos.database.
HANA_USED_MEM_BYTES SIYES SIYES SoloOnly disponibleavailable en sistemason SAP consystems basewith deHana datosdatabase. Hana.Gets Obtiene losthe bytes deof memoriamemory usadosused defrom lathe base de datos.database.
RFC_Z_TRANS SIYES NO PermiteIt ejecutarallows transaccionesexecuting SAP "Z" detransactions SAPand yobtaining obtenerwhat comois valorreturned lo devuelto enin "OUTPUT". as a value.

EnThe lafollowing siguientetable tablaindicates sethe indicarelevant lainformation informaciónof relevante de los módulos delthe plugin paramodules sufor ejecución:its execution:

Module ID módulo NombreXML XMLname TipoData de datotype ParámetrosMandatory obligatoriosparameters Parámetros
opcionalesOptional parameters
SYS_INFO SAP System info generic_data_string  



LOGIN_TEXT   generic_data_string    
LOGIN_PROC   generic_proc    
RFC_FUNC_COUNT   generic_data


-T o -S




RFC_FUNC_TABLE   async_string


-T o -S






RFC_FUNC_GROUPTABLE   async_string


-T o -S






WP_DIA_FAIL_COUNT WP DIA failed - Count generic_data    
WP_BGD_FAIL_COUNT WP BGD failed - Count generic_data    
WP_UPD_FAIL_COUNT WP UPD failed - Count generic_data    
WP_UP2_FAIL_COUNT WP UP2 failed - Count generic_data    
WP_SPO_FAIL_COUNT WP SPO failed - Count generic_data    
WP_ENQ_FAIL_COUNT WP ENQ failed - Count generic_data    
WP_NOREST_COUNT WP with restart not active - Count generic_data    
WP_STOP_COUNT WP stopped - Count generic_data    
WP_DIA_AVAIL_COUNT WP DIA available - Count generic_data    
WP_BGD_AVAIL_COUNT WP BGD available - Count generic_data    
WP_UPD_AVAIL_COUNT WP UPD available - Count generic_data    
WP_DIA_AVAIL_PERCENT WP DIA available - Percent generic_data    
WP_BGD_AVAIL_PERCENT WP BGD available - Percent generic_data    
WP_UPD_AVAIL_PERCENT WP UPD available - Percent generic_data    
IDOC_FAIL_COUNT IDOCs failed from yesterday - Count generic_data    
IDOC_OK_COUNT IDOCs ok from yesterday - Count generic_data    
DUMPS_YEST_TABLE Dumps from yesterday - List async_string    
DUMPS_YEST_COUNT Dumps from yesterday - Count generic_data    
JOBS_CANCEL_YEST_TABLE Jobs canceled from yesterday - List async_string   -H
JOBS_CANCEL_YEST_COUNT Jobs canceled from yesterday - Count generic_data    
JOBS_CANCEL_YEST_GROUPTABLE Jobs canceled from yesterday - Grouped count list async_string   -H
BATCH_INPUT_FAIL_COUNT Batch input failed from yesterday - Count generic_data    
JOBS_CANCEL_TODAY_TABLE Jobs canceled today - List async_string   -H
JOBS_CANCEL_TODAY_COUNT Jobs canceled today - Count generic_data    
JOBS_CANCEL_TODAY_GROUPTABLE Jobs canceled today - Grouped count list async_string  



DUMPS_TODAY_GROUPTABLE Dumps today - Grouped count list async_string  



DUMPS_TODAY_COUNT Dumps today - Count generic_data    
SEND_OP_NOPROC_COUNT External send operations not processed from yesterday - Count generic_data    
SEND_OP_PROC_COUNT External send operations processed from yesterday - Count generic_data    
RFC_READTABLE_COUNT   generic_data




RFC_READTABLE_TABLE   async_string












ORA_TABLESPACES_TABLE Oracle tablespaces usage - List generic_data_string  



ORA_TABLESPACES_95_COUNT Oracle tablespaces usage greater equal 95% - Count generic_data    
ORA_TABLESPACES_99_COUNT Oracle tablespaces usage greater equal 99% - Count generic_data    
BLOCK_ENTRIES_TABLE System block entries - List async_string  



BLOCK_ENTRIES_COUNT System block entries - Count generic_data    
CUSTOMER_OPEN_ITEMS_COUNT Customers accounts open items - Count generic_data   -I
CUSTOMER_CLOSING_BALANCE_TABLE Closing balance of customers accounts - List async_string  




CUSTOMER_CLEARING_TRANS_COUNT Customers accounts clearing transactions - Count generic_data   -I
PFL_PARAM_VALUES_TABLE PFL parameters values - List async_string  




PROFILES_CHANGES_COUNT Changes on auth profiles from yesterday - Count generic_data  



PROFILES_CHANGES_TABLE Changes on auth profiles from yesterday - List async_string  





MSSQL_LOG_SIZE_BYTES MS SQL log size generic_data    
MSSQL_LOG_FREE_BYTES MS SQL log free generic_data    
MSSQL_LOG_FREE_PERCENT MS SQL log free % generic_data    
RFC_QUEUE_OUT_COUNT RFC Queue OUT - Count generic_data   -I
RFC_QUEUE_IN_COUNT RFC Queue IN - Count generic_data   -I
RFC_SEND_FAIL_COUNT RFC send tries failed - Count generic_data   -I
RFC_SEND_FAIL_O_COUNT RFC send tries failed return O - Count generic_data   -I
RFC_SEND_FAIL_I_COUNT RFC send tries failed return I - Count generic_data   -I
RFC_ERROR_QUEUE_OUT_FAIL_COUNT RFC Error queue OUT failed - Count generic_data    
RFC_ERROR_QUEUE_IN_FAIL_COUNT RFC Error queue IN failed - Count generic_data    
RFC_QUEUE_OUT_OLDER_SECONDS RFC Queue OUT - Older entry seconds not processing generic_data   -I
RFC_QUEUE_IN_OLDER_SECONDS RFC Queue IN - Older entry seconds not processing generic_data   -I
HANA_FREE_MEM_BYTES Hana free memory bytes generic_data    
HANA_USED_MEM_BYTES Hana used memory bytes generic_data    
RFC_Z_TRANS       -I