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Modules generated by the plugin

The standard execution of this plugin will return the following modules by default (with
all optional blocks enabled):

Classic monitoring:


Tomcat :

Active Sessions
Max Sessions Allowed
Configuración connector SSL
Connector State
JSP Count


Class Load Time
Servlet count allocated
Servlet load tim
Servlet class
Servlet request count
Servlet load on startup
Webmodule configured
Webmodule start time
Webmodule request count
Webmodule state name

Websphere :

Active sessions
Invalid Sessions
Create count
Close count
Allocate count
Fault count
Percent used
Uso medio de CPU por componente web
Cache size
Directorio home de Websphere
Módulos j2EE de un cierto componente web
Prevent Jre Memory Leaks
Detect App CLLeaks
Bootstrap port
ORB Request timeout
ORB Request Retries Count
Nivel de traza
Tamaño del buffer de trazas
Tamaño máximo del pool de hilos
Tamaño mínimo del pool de hilos
Inactivity Timeout

Weblogic :

Locked Users Current Count
Lockout Duration
Lockout Enabled
Invalid Login Attempts Total Count
Pool Max Capacity
Execution Time Average
Invocation Total Count
Diagnostics Read Count
Diagnostics Delete Count
Diagnostics Update Count
Diagnostics Create Count
Mbean Completed Requests
Mbean Bytes Received Count
Mbean Bytes Sent Count
Mbean Connections Count
Mbean Public URL
Mbean Messages Sent Count
Mbean Messages Received Count
Mbean Execution Time Average
Mbean Execution Time Total
Mbean Invocation Total Count
Servlet State
Servlet Server Startup Time
Servlet Execution Time Average
Servlet Reload Total Count
Servlet Execution Time High
Servlet Invocation Total Count
Webmodule status
Webmodule Open Sessions High Count
Webmodule Session Invalidation Interval Secs
Webmodule Sessions Opened Total Count
Webmodule Module Id

Kafka :

Active Controller Brokers
Broker leaders
Incoming Bytes per second
Incoming Messages per second
ISR expansion Rate
ISR shrink rate
Network processors avg idle time
Number of disputed leader elections rate
Offline Controller Brokers
Outgoing Bytes per second
Request handlers avg idle time
Requests in fetch API purgatory
Requests in producer API purgatory
System’s partitions
Total time to serve a specified request (fetch API consumer)
Total time to serve a specified request (fetch API follower)
Total time to serve a specified request
(producer API)
Unclear leader election rate
Under-replicated partitions


Example of web application monitoring

This specific monitoring is only compatible with Weblogic in version 723
of the plugin.

With the following basic configuration:

## Weblogic
## product
product weblogic
# checks
include_internal_webapps 0
# Specific beans
mbean_check_name MemoryUsed
mbean_check_type generic_data
mbean_check_description In Bytes
mbean java.lang:type=Memory
attribute HeapMemoryUsage
path used
## Report style
as_agent_plugin 0
agent_per_instance 1
## Agent personalization
agent_name my JMX appserver
agent_interval 300
agent_group JMX
## Pandora Server configuration
transfer_mode tentacle
tentacle_ip your.pandora.server.ip
tentacle_port 41121
tentacle_client "tentacle_client"
temp /tmp
local_folder /var/spool/pandora/data_in

This configuration will return the following modules (remember that an agent will be created for each web application you have deployed on your application server).

List of modules

Modules assigned to the main agent (represents the application server itself)


Modules assigned to each of the agents that represent the web applications

APP_NAME InvocationTotalCount
APP_NAME ReloadTotalCount
APP_NAME Executiontimetotal
APP_NAME ExecutionTimeAverage