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The plugin monitors “by default” the following things:

•Checking of connectivity with the database.
•Checks if the MySql process is active.
•Checks the server memory (process) .
•Number of connections TIME_WAIT in the system .
•Checks the space in the server disk (usually/var/lib/mysql).
•Size of the file ibdata1 .
•Search of errors in the database error logs (usually /var/lib/mysql/mysql.log).
Besides, it also monitors the following performance parameters:
•Number of MySQL active connections.
•Time of server activity (uptime).
•Number of aborted connections because of which the client did not close correctly the
•Number of bytes got by the clients.
•Information about the server status (SHOW GLOBAL STATUS or SHOW STATUS).
•Information about the status of InnoDB (SHOW INNODB STATUS) .
•Number of bytes sent by clients.
•Number of database entries.
•Number of locks on tables on the database when doing a transaction.
•Active locks on tables and registers for each active session.
•Not answered queries from I/0
•Total data size in GB.

All these modules comes parametrized in the “mysql.conf” file that comes with the plugin package.
These modules could be deleted or extended by a MySQL administrator.