Parameters and configuration
--conf | Path to configuration file |
--target_databases | Path to the configuration file containing the database targets |
--target_agents | Path to the configuration file containing the agent targets |
Configuration file (--conf)
agents_group_id = < ID delof grupothe engroup elin quewhich sethe crearánagents loswill agentesbe created >
interval = < IntervaloAgent demonitoring monitorizacióninterval dein los agentes en segundosseconds >
uri = < Connection string in URI format >
threads = < NúmeroNumber deof hilosthreads queto seuse usaranfor paraagent la creación de agentescreation >
modules_prefixmodule_prefix = <Modules Prefijo de módulos Prefix>
analyze_connections = < ActivarEnable conwith 1 parato habilitarenable laconnection monitorización de conexionesmonitoring >
engine_uptime = <Enable Activar conwith 1 parato habilitarenable laruntime monitorización del tiempo en ejecución monitoring>
query_stats = < ActivarEnable conwith 1 parato habilitarenable laquery moitorizaciónstatistics de estadísticas de consultasmonitoring >
network = < Activate with 1 to enable network statistics monitoring >
latency = < Enable with 1 to enable latency statistics monitoring >
agents_group_id = 10
interval = 300
uri = mongodb://
threads = 1
modules_prefix = Mongodb.
analyze_connections = 1
network = 1
query_stats = 1
latency = 1
engine_uptime = 1
List of target databases (--target_databases)
The content of the file will be a list of target databases, separating each database by commas or lines. The format for a database will be its name:
List of target agents (--target_agents)
The content of the file will be a list of agent name bases, separating each agent by commas or lines. These agent names will be used to dump the information from each target database into the corresponding indicated agent name, rather than letting the plugin generate the agent names automatically.
The position of each agent name in the listing must match the position of the target database in its own listing, that is, the name for the first target database will be the first name in this listing, taking into account that blank lines are ignored.