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Parameters and configuration


-s SOURCE_URL, --source_url SOURCE_URLURL of elastic source environment to be migrated
-d DESTINATION_URL, --destination_url DESTINATION_URLURL of the opensearch target environment
-P INDEX_PATTERN, --index_pattern INDEX_PATTERNIndex pattern to be migrated, by default: pandorafms*.
 -a, --use_authFlag, use basic authentication
-u USER, --user USERUser for basic authentication, by default: admin
 -p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORDBasic authentication password, default: admin
-t TIMEOUT, --timeout TIMEOUTTime to wait between index migrations
-f, --forceDeletes the index at the destination if it exists and forces migration
 -C, --compareCompares the source and destination indexes and the status of each.
-v, --verboseFlag, shows step by step all migration actions, for debugging.
