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Modules generated by the plugin

The execution of this plugin will generate the following agents and modules: 

  • An agent named "Kubernetes": It will contain monitoring data that is not related to containers and nodes. It will contain these modules: API status: Indicates whether the API is accessible by the plugin. 

Healthz: Indicates whether the API is accessible by the plugin. 

Healthz ping: Indicates whether the API is accessible by the plugin. 

Healthz log: Indicates whether the API is accessible by the plugin. 

Healthz etcd: Indicates whether the API is accessible by the plugin. 

Healthz poststarthook crd informer synced: Indicates whether the API is accessible by the plugin. 

Healthz poststarthook generic apiserver start informers: Indicates whether the API is accessible by the plugin. 

Healthz poststarthook start apiextensions controllers: Indicates whether the API is accessible by the plugin. 

Healthz poststarthook start apiextensions informers: Indicates whether the API is accessible by the plugin. 

Namespaces: Amount of "namespaces" in the environment. 

Services: Amount of "services" in the environment. 

Deployments: Amount of "deployments" in the environment. 

Components: Amount of "components" in the environment. 

Component <component>: It will generate a module for each "componentindicating its status (healthy). 

<metric module name>: It will generate a module for each metric indicated in the configuration file (with the indicated names). 



  • An agent for each node: Its parent agent will be "Kubernetes". They will contain these modules: 

Pods: Amount of "pods" in the node. 

Pods (%): Occupancy percentage of "pods" in the node. 

CPU (cores): CPU usage of the node. 

CPU (%): CPU usage percentage of the node. 

Memory (bytes): Node memory usage. 

Memory (%): Node memory usage percentage. 

<condition>: It will generate a module for each "condition" in the node indicating its status. 



  • An agent for each "pod": Its parent agent will be the node where it is located. They will contain the modules: 

Pod status: Indicates the status of "pod". Possible states: 

0 → Failed 

1 → Running 

2 → Succeeded 

3 → Pending 

4 → Unknown 

Containers: Number of containers in the "pod". 

Container <container> CPU (cores): It will generate a module for each "container" in the "pod" indicating the CPU usage in the node. 

Container <container> CPU (%): It will generate a module for each "container" in the "pod" indicating the CPU usage in the node. 

Container <container> memory (bytes): It will generate a module for each "container" in the "pod" indicating the CPU usage in the node. 

Container <container> memory (%): It will generate a module for each "container" in the "pod" indicating the CPU usage in the node. 

<condition>: It will generate a module for each “condition” in the “pod” indicating its status. 



  • An agent for each deployment: Its parent agent will be "Kubernetes". They will contain these modules: 

Replicas: Total number of non-terminated pods targeted by this deployment (their labels match the selector). 

Updated replicas: Total number of non-terminated pods targeted by this deployment that have the desired template spec. 

Ready replicas: Total number of ready pods targeted by this deployment. 

Available replicas: Total number of available pods (ready for at least minReadySeconds) targeted by this deployment. 

Unavailable replicas: Total number of unavailable pods targeted by this deployment. This is the total number of pods that are still required for the deployment to have 100% available capacity. They may either be pods that are running but not yet available or pods that still have not been created. 

Available: Indicates whether the deployment is available. 

Progressing: Indicates whether the deployment is rolling out a new replica set.