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Parameters and configuration


--conf Path to configuration file

Configuration file (--conf)

ip = < IP or Kubernetes host >
port = <Kubernetes host port>
token = <Authentication Bearer Token>
connection = < Connection mode, normal or proxy >
proxy = <connection url>
interval = < Interval in seconds for agents and for metric analysis >
agent_group_name = < Name of the target group for the created agents >
prefix = < >
transfer_mode = < Transfer mode, tentacle or local >
data_dir = < (Only activated if the transfer_mode is local) Destination path for the XML of each agent, by default "/var/spool/pandora/data_in/" >
tentacle_ip = < IP of the target machine for the created agents >
tentacle_port = <tentacle port, default: 41121>

deployments = < Enable with 1 to enable deployment monitoring >
nodes = < Enable with 1 to enable nodes monitoring >
pods = < Enable with 1 to enable pod monitoring >


ip               =
port             = 8443
token            = eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiIsImtpZCI6IkVpeVhfTFFzSWpmcGtjZzM0blZrZDY3YUtMbzNqTWZmcmdLZ2NKblVHbTgifQ.eyJpc3MiOiJrdWJlcm5ldGVzL3NlcnZpY2VhY2NvdW50IiwisInN1YiI6InN5c3RlbTpzZXJ2aWNlYWNjb3VudDpkZWZhdWx0OmRlZmF1bHQifQ.aC1lPbS5kYR9Fg9hXJaPiQ8cHzjdWlaAfXdPlmPok6LRX0_OZESEhw8to4PZrz2vzt_BUbawUR0NOpHadujHIx7as4Jm8UCRHgmGseyB7mae9vRMFiD1B4EeH5L8lvucydlV2Avx1IV9SyssbypwGCH_jg7tfKz4EMz5aBfgipliRwFaRGdQMX5sjz4AknGxcb2UVOe9LFb_xC-awDEjaGvm_F0tSLxtyGPoJmsvknNmEC9hJLG_AU8Z9Ke5I5oTvEzRmUCqrKz6319p-x9aaF6yUfOFtlnQlLhIz2xkOs8DkkJ1Rk59i2MolzXGwmlGgWkgc7qCgvqXQNjDeX3ySA
connection       = normal
proxy            = http://localhost:8080
interval         = 300
agent_group_name = kubernetes
prefix           = kube.
transfer_mode    = tentacle
data_dir         = /var/spool/pandora/data_in
tentacle_ip      =
tentacle_port    = 41121

deployments      = 1
nodes            = 1
pods             = 1