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--serverServer name
--smpt_addressMailing Address
--userExchange user
--client_idClient id
--tenant_idTenant id
--passwordUser password
--smtp_addressUser account from which emails will be filtered.
--subjectTo filter word or phrase in the subject.
--senderTo filter by e-mail
--date_startEach date must be separated by a hyphen and enclosed in quotation marks, with the following format: 'year-month-day-day-hour-minute'. example: '2021-1-12-0-0'.
--date_endEach date must be separated by a hyphen and enclosed in quotation marks, with the following format: 'year-month-day-hour-minute'. example: '2021-1-12-0-0'.
--mail_listTo create a new module with a list of matching mails.
--transfer_modoTransfer mode
--tentacle_portTentacle port in case you want to send data in this way
--tentacle_addressTentacle address in case you want to send the data in this way
--agent_prefixName of the agent that will contain the modules
--module_prefixTo add a prefix to the module, "Exchange" is the default prefix.
--groupTarget group in pandora
--intervalTime creation interval for the agent
--temporalTemporary file directory.
--data_dirData destination address
--log_fileLog file path
--authAuthentication mode. The two possible options are 0Auth and basic. The basic authentication is required in exchange online.