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Manual execution

The plugin creates an agent with two modules for each execution, one with the number of emails that match the filtering and another with the list of these emails. The filtering parameters are as follows:





You can filter by any of these or you can combine them as follows:

subject + sender

subject + sender + date_start-date_end

Manual execution example

./exchange_mail \
--auth <oauth> \
--server <server> \
--smtp_address <smtp_address> \
--client_id <client_id> \
--tenant_id <tenant_id> \
--secret <secret> \
[--user <user>] \
[--password <password>] \
[--subject <subject>] \
[--sender <sender>] \
[--date_start <date_start>] \
[--date_end <date_end>] \
[--mail_list <mail_list>] \
[--module_prefix <module_prefix>] \
[--agent_prefix <agent_prefix>] \
[--group <group>] \
[--interval <interval>] \
[--temporal <temporal>] \
[--data_dir <data_dir>] \
[--transfer_mode <transfer_mode>] \
[--tentacle_client <tentacle_client>] \
[--tentacle_opts <tentacle_opts>] \
[--tentacle_port <tentacle_port>] \
[--tentacle_address <tentacle_address>] \
[--log_file <log_file>]

Help example 
