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Agents and modules generated by the plugin

Running the plugin will create the following agents and modules:

  • Global agent
< Name used with the parameter "stats_agent_name" or failing that "Aws.rds" >


AWS RDS Instances count
Total instances registered in AWS
  • One agent for each monitored region.
<Region name>

Summary of the number of connections for each instance in this zone CPU percentage used for instances in this zone
Summary of the number of CPU credits earned from each instance in this zone
Summary of the number of CPU credits spent for each instance in this zone
Summary of the number of surplus CPU credits available for each instance in this zone
Summary of the number of CPU surplus credits used for each instance in this zone of the number of bytes read from disk for each instance of this zone of the number of read operations performed on the disk of each instance of this zone of the number of bytes written to disk for each instance of this zone of the number of write operations performed on the disk for each instance in this zone
Summary of the amount of disk space occupied by the binary logs of each instance in this zone
Summary of the number of read operations performed per second on an LVM-based storage system for each instance in this zone
Summary of the number of writes performed per second on an LVM-based storage system for each instance in this zone of instances monitored in this zone of incoming network traffic for each instance in this zone of outbound network traffic for each instance in this zone
  • One agent for each monitored instance
<instance ID>



StateMachine status, in string format
Instance State (bool)State of the machine, 1 if it is running, 0 otherwise
DatabaseConnectionsThe number of client network connections to the database instance
CPUUtilizationPercentage of CPU utilization used
The number of earned CPU credits that an instance has accumulated since it was launched or started
CPUCreditUsageThe number of CPU credits spent by the instance for CPU utilization
CPUSurplusCreditBalanceThe number of surplus CPU credits available for an Amazon RDS instance
CPUSurplusCreditsChargedThe number of surplus CPU credits used by an Amazon RDS instance
DiskReadBytesNumber of bytes read from disk
DiskReadOpsThe number of read operations performed on the disk
DiskWriteBytesNumber of bytes written to disk
DiskWriteOpsNumber of write operations performed on the disk
BinLogDiskUsageThe amount of disk space occupied by binary logs
LVMReadIOPSThe number of read operations performed per second on an LVM-based storage system
LVMWriteIOPSThe number of write operations performed per second on an LVM-based storage system
NetworkReceiveThroughputThe incoming (receiving) network traffic on the database instance
Outbound (transfer) network traffic on the database instance