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  • Cannot login to Pandora FMS – Double Auth Error

    Posted by Pamod on mayo 5, 2024 at 17:12

    I have two factor authentication enabled for the administrator account in Pandora FMS with Microsoft authenticator App. And It has been working fine for last 4 – 5 months.

    But recently when I type my username, password, and prompting for the otp, I insert the code I had received in Microsoft authenticator App. But when hit enter, it says “Double auth error

    I have tried to login many times, but I am getting the same error every time. I am 100% sure no issue from the Microsoft Authenticator app or the OTP I am inserting, as this was worked perfectly fine in the last few months.

    Please help me to solve this as this is the only Administrator account I have for the Pandora FMS.

    Pamod replied 9 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Sergio

    mayo 6, 2024 at 08:25
    1376 Karma points
    Community rank: tentacle_master_icon Tentacle Master
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    Do you remember making any changes in the Server that may be causing this issue? If it has been working for the past 4 to 5 months and no changes has been made, then it should continue working as it did.

    In case there were some changes made try to revert them or snapback to a recently snapshot you’ve made.

    Otherwise what you can do for the moment is to disable 2 factor auth from MySQL to prevent the admin to be prompt for the code:

    update tconfig set value = '' where token = 'double_auth_enabled';

    Which PaandoraFMS version you have currently installed?

    Kind regards,

    Sergio B.

    • Pamod

      mayo 6, 2024 at 12:03
      76 Karma points
      Community rank: tentacle-noob-1 Tentacle noob
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      Version v7.0NG.772 Renaissance – Community

      No changes have been made. I’ll give a try to disable two-factor from the server using your command.

      Thank You.

    • Pamod

      mayo 8, 2024 at 05:53
      76 Karma points
      Community rank: tentacle-noob-1 Tentacle noob
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      Hey now the user is blocked. Maybe because I tried to login multiple times. Now the only option available is I think, creating a new administrator user from the database side.

      What are the steps to create an administrator user in CLI?

      • Sergio

        mayo 10, 2024 at 09:05
        1376 Karma points
        Community rank: tentacle_master_icon Tentacle Master
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        You can unblock the user, with a MySQL Query aswell:

        update tusuario set login_blocked = 0 where id_user = "admin";

        You can change the user ID if it’s not admin.

        Kind regards,

        Sergio B.

        • Pamod

          mayo 11, 2024 at 22:08
          76 Karma points
          Community rank: tentacle-noob-1 Tentacle noob
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          Much thanks, you saved me.

          I was able to disable double authentication using the command you given.