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Warp Update

Warp Update Online

Warp Update Offline

Before upgrade offline, contact support for download files.

Warp Update Offline also serves to install patches of different types: console (OUM), server (tar.gz) and manual combined patches (tar.gz).

Applying patches and/or updates offline may make your Web Console unusable, it is recommended to perform a full backup beforehand.

Warp Update Journal

Go to the Warp Update menu → Warp Update Journal to know the updates made, version, date and time of application, user who requested and applied it, etc.

Warp Update Setup

Please contact support before changing any of the following fields:

  • Warp Update URL.
  • Use secured Warp Update.
  • Proxy server.
  • Proxy port.
  • Proxy user.
  • Proxy password.

Manual update

Update a minor version

1. A database backup must be performed. Example:

mysqldump -u root -p pandora> backup_pfms_X.Y.sql

2. A backup of the configuration files must be made: pandora_server.conf, config.php, pandora_agent.conf.

3. A backup of the Server and Agent plugins must be made, located at:


4. The services: pandora_server, tentacle_serverd, httpd, pandora_agent and mysqld must be stopped.

5. You can proceed with the update.

6. Remember to restart the services stopped in point 4.

From RPM packages

rpm -U pandorafms_console_enterprise_package.rpm
tar -xvzf pandorafms_server_enterprise_package.tar.gz
cd pandora_server
./pandora_server_installer --install
rpm -U pandorafms_agent_*.rpm

At all times, before and after the update, you will be able to know your installed versions by running the command:

rpm -qa | grep -i pandora

From Tarball / Sources

tar xvzf pandorafms_console_enterprise_'package'.tar.gz
cd pandora_console
./pandora_console_upgrade -p /'yourconsolepath'
tar xvzf pandorafms_server_enterprise_'package'.tar.gz
cd pandora_server
./pandora_server_installer --upgrade
tar xvzf pandorafms_agent_'package'.tar.gz
cd pandora_agent
./pandora_agent_installer --force-install

Major Update

It is always recommended to update the Console using Warp Update. If the database is out of date, the web console will show a notice with the title Minor release/s available.

To solve this problem, you must enter through a shell to the server where the Pandora FMS Console is located and go to the directory:

cd /var/www/html/pandora_console/extras/mr

Inside this directory will appear another directory named updated. All the MR that are applied must be stored there and those that are not must be stored outside of it. Example of executing the file 1.sql (MR 1):

cat 1.sql | mysql -u root -p pandora

Once the sql(s) have been applied to the database, they must be moved to the updated directory.

mkdir -p updated
mv1.sql updated/

Then you have to update the value of MR inside the MySQL table tconfig:

mysql -u root -p pandora> use pandora;> update tconfig set value=XX where token='MR';

To know the MR to be applied, please go to the following link.


From RPM packages

rpm -i --force pandorafms_console__enterprise_package.rpm

From Tarball/Sources

tar -xvzf pandorafms_console_package.tar.gz
mv --force ./enterprise /yourconsolepath

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