====== Exec server PFMS configuration ====== {{indexmenu_n>39}} At the end of this configuration process, an SSH connection with digital key will have been established for the automated monitoring processes. In a Logical Agent already created and with the remote configuration enabled, a user (for example ''pandora_exec_proxy'') and a pair of digital keys created (public and private), will be able to access a remote device to which the public key has been hosted and configured. Without remote configuration enabled, **you will lack** the ability to create Satellite modules from wizards. ===== PFMS Web Console Configuration ===== This option can be configured on a Network Server PFMS and/or a Satellite Server PFMS. From the list of Pandora FMS servers, select one to work as Exec Server and edit it: {{ :wiki:pfms-manage_servers_list.png }} Check the checkbox as Exec Server, enter the port number (default ''80'' ) and the IP address of the server where the desired commands will be launched, e.g. for a **Satellite server**: {{ :wiki:pfms-exec_server_config_enabled.png }} Since the configuration is not finished at this point, the connection test will fail (**Check server execution**). ===== SO user configuration on the remote server ===== Before accessing the Exec Server through SSH, in the Network server PFMS and/or Satellite Server PFMS enabled as Exec server(s), it is necessary to create in that machine a specific user, for example called ''pandora_exec_proxy''. In a terminal window connected as **root** user or equivalent through **sudo**: useradd pandora_exec_proxy -m {{ :wiki:pfms-satellite_server_useradd.png }} Assign a password to the newly created user: passwd pandora_exec_proxy {{ :wiki:pfms-satellite_server_passwd.png }} ===== User configuration in PFMS server OS ===== ==== Digital key generation and copying ==== Now act as root or equivalent user where PFMS Web Console is running to generate the key pair: ssh-keygen {{ :wiki:pfms-pfms_server_ssh-keygen.png }} Proceed to copy the key to the remote server (replace the IP address in ''< Satellite_IP >''): ssh-copy-id pandora_exec_proxy@< Satellite_IP > {{ :wiki:pfms-pfms_server_ssh-copy-id.png }} Then create the SSH folder of the ''Apache'' user, move the credentials and change its owner: mkdir /usr/share/httpd/.ssh mv /root/.ssh/* /usr/share/httpd/.ssh/ chown -R apache. /usr/share/httpd/.ssh/ ===== Exec server operation check ===== To finish, you only have to test the configuration in the proxy server edition section of Pandora FMS console, check the test indicator by clicking on it: {{ :wiki:exec-server-4.png }} [[:en:documentation:start|Back to Pandora FMS Documentation Index]]