====== Pandora FMS interface ====== {{indexmenu_n>3}} We are working on the translation of the Pandora FMS documentation. Sorry for any inconvenience. ===== Introduction ===== ===== Pandora FMS login screen ===== Default credentials. **User: **''admin'' **Password: **''pandora'' When you log in, by default the Web Console displays welcome messages and notifications, then the default home page is displayed. Both the [[#custom_startup_page|user login page]] and [[:en:documentation:pandorafms:management_and_operation:12_console_setup#style_configuration|login wallpaper]] can be customized . ===== Pandora FMS main page ===== The main default page of Pandora FMS shows basic and general information about the status of the systems and the number and type of checks that Pandora FMS performs. The static elements ─that do not change between the different screens─ in the interface are: * Operation menu. * Management Menu. * Defined links. * Headboard. Dynamic elements: * In header: User information, pending messages, system notifications, etc. * News from the site. * General view of the checks in Pandora FMS: * **Server health**. * **Monitor health**. * **Module sanity**. * **Alert level**. ==== Custom Homepage ==== In the **Workspace** → **Edit my user** menu you can choose the Pandora FMS home screen. In the **Other** field you can enter the URL that points to the Web Console. For example, to see the details of the agents: ?sec=view&sec2=operation/agents/agent_status ==== The Operation Menu ==== The Operation menu allows you to view all the checks carried out by Pandora FMS agents: * Visual maps. * Network maps. * Inventory. * View and manage incidents. * SNMP console. * Extensions. ==== The Management menu ==== The Management menu allows you to view and configure the checks carried out by Pandora FMS Agents, the Modules and components of said checks, the alerts that these modules and agents can launch and how these alerts work. Also: * Registered monitoring policies. * Users and their profiles. * Pandora FMS servers. * System audit log * Configuration of the general behavior of the Web Console * Database maintenance. * Web links to this documentation, support and other custom. ==== The Header ==== The Pandora FMS header offers several quick links, or shortcuts, to important system features, as well as a search bar. If there are pending system notifications, an alert icon with a message will be displayed when clicking on it. These messages, like Console email notifications, redirect to the URL of the ''/etc/crontab'' file or to a public URL with the ''force'' option enabled. If its setting is omitted, it will use ''localhost'' **by default** as the URL. ===== Pandora FMS interface icons ===== ==== Context Help Icon ==== {{:wiki:help_green.png |Context Help}} The contextual help icon represents general help on the field it accompanies or the form or page it is on. Pop-up windows must be enabled in the web browser. ==== Hint Icon ==== {{:wiki:estrella.jpg }} The hint or advice icon provides a little help about the field it accompanies. This is displayed when you place the mouse over the icon. ==== Management Icon ==== {{:wiki:mango.jpg }} The management icon accompanies some rows of some tables and represents a direct link to the element's configuration. ==== Full Screen Icon ==== {{:wiki:flecha.jpg }} Present in mainly visual sections to show the information in full screen hiding the menus. ==== Wizard Icon ==== {{:wiki:magica.jpg }} Indicates that the functionality will be used to easily apply, through a wizard, an action to a large number of items ==== Remote Settings Icon ==== {{:wiki:oso.jpg }} To remotely edit the configuration file of the software agents or Satellite server. ==== Force Action Icon ==== {{:wiki:force.jpg }} Pandora FMS remote checks have an update interval, but you can force their execution before time by clicking this button. ==== Icono refresh (after force action) ==== {{:wiki:toner.jpg }} Once the force action icon has been clicked, it changes to indicate that it has been clicked. It will return to its normal state once the check is updated. ===== States and possible values of Agents and Modules ===== The Agents contain Modules with the different checks they perform. Their states can be: * **Correct:** Color green. * **Warning/Notice:** Color yellow. * **Critical:** Color red. * **Unknown:** Gray color. * **Not initialized:** Not displayed. It appears with blue color only in the management view. ==== Group View ==== Summarizes the status of a group of agents based on the color coding from the previous section. In the cases of Warning and Critical, it is only enough for an agent to have one of the two states for the group's state to change accordingly; for the **Unknown** state you need all your agents to be in that state for the group state to change. ===== Autocomplete Agent Box ===== In several sections of Pandora FMS you can search and choose the agents through a special text box The control starts working when you enter two or more characters. ===== Table of network interfaces ===== This table shows information about the network interfaces of the devices to be monitored. It is found in the general view of an Agent, the detailed view of an Agent, in the tree view, certain types of reports, etc. {{ :wiki:snmp-interface-table.png }} [[:en:documentation:start| Back to Pandora FMS documentation index]]