====== FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions ====== {{indexmenu_n>8}} We are working on the translation of the Pandora FMS documentation. Sorry for any inconvenience. ===== Command Center (Metaconsole) FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) ===== The frequently asked questions and answers (FAQ) have been classified according to the version used: * NG 7.0 version 756 and later ([[#command_center|Command Center]]). * [[#ng_70_version_755_and_earlier|NG 7.0 version 755 and earlier]]. ===== Command Center ===== From Pandora FMS version 756, the synchronization system for environments with centralized mode has been redesigned from scratch, making it faster and more efficient, since the changes will be replicated to the nodes automatically without the need for manual synchronization, as it was the case up to now. This change deems the previous system outdated, so in environments where it was active, it will have to go through the previous automatic [[:en:documentation:pandorafms:introduction:03_glossary#merging_code|merging]] system to use the new centralization system **and be able to guarantee data integrity.** When updating, all already centralized Command Center (Metaconsole) environments will be forced to go through the new **Merging tool** section located in **Centralised management** to be able to be centralized again correctly. {{ :wiki:01_system_not_centralised.png }} {{ :wiki:02_command_center_menu.png }} For details visit "[[:en:documentation:pandorafms:command_center:04_command|Command Center]]" article. ===== NG 7.0 version 755 and earlier. ===== ==== I can't see the agents of a group for which I do have permissions ==== NG 7.0 version 755 and earlier. The user must have the same permissions in the Command Center (Metaconsole) and in the node. The correct creation flow is to create and assign permissions to the user from the Command Center (Metaconsole) and synchronize them. ==== After changing a user’s permissions but it doesn’t work ==== NG 7.0 version 755 and earlier. To change the permissions to a user we will do it from the Command Center (Metaconsole) and synchronize that user from the synchronization section. The synchronization of profiles is based on creating new profiles in the user of the node. In this way, we will avoid touching profiles that are configured in the node. ==== When you try to configure an instance, it fails ==== NG 7.0 version 755 and earlier. We have to make sure that: * The machine where the Command Center (Metaconsole) resides can //see// the machines of the instances. * The machine of the Command Center (Metaconsole) has permissions over the database of the instances. * We have defined the parameters of authentication (''auth'') and password of the API (''Api password'') in the instances, and configured correctly in the Command Center (Metaconsole). * In the instances we must have configured the list of IP addresses that can access its API including the Command Center (Metaconsole) IP address. ==== How can I synchronize the node with the Command Center (Metaconsole) ==== NG 7.0 version 755 and earlier. To be able to synchronize a node to the Command Center (Metaconsole), we have to click on **Advanced** → **Consoles Setup** and fill in correctly the node's data ( ''Server name'', ''auth token'', etc.). ==== How can I to synchronize the node license with the Command Center (Metaconsole) license ==== NG 7.0 version 755 and earlier. In order to synchronize the license of the Command Center (Metaconsole), once validated, you must to instantiate all the nodes in the Command Center (Metaconsole) to synchronize. Once this is done, go to **Advanced** → **License** and press the **Validate and sync** button, that will synchronize the license to all the instantiated nodes. ==== I can't perform actions on instance events or view them ==== NG 7.0 version 755 and earlier. If it is not possible to perform actions on the events it means that we have activated the token of **Event replication** of the **Setup** → **Enterprise** of the Instance, with which you will be able to see the events of the Instance in the Command Center (Metaconsole). Once we start the event replication, having the **Centralized management** Command Center (Metaconsole) token active, //the events can only be managed from it//. From it they can be validated, put in progress and add comments and responses. To be able to visualize the events in the Instance go to **Setup **→ **Enterprise** and activate the token **Show event list in the local console (read only)** //to only to be able to see them.// ==== I can't connect the Instance Database to the Command Center (Metaconsole) ==== NG 7.0 version 755 and earlier. In order to synchronize the data of the Instances Database with the Command Center (Metaconsole), you need to give permission to the user of the Command Center (Metaconsole) to the Instance database. For them we have to make use of the following mandate: GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON .* TO @ IDENTIFIED BY ; ==== Verification of node state in Command Center (Metaconsole) ==== NG 7.0 version 755 and earlier. Once an instance is referenced to the Command Center (Metaconsole), it appears in the Console Setup view, where you can check the status of the database, API, compatibility, event replication, agent cache and synchronization with the node. {{ :wiki:checklist_meta2.png?direct& }} To be able to check the status of a connection again, just click on the checklist you want to review. The status can be: * **Synchronized**: The checklist will be in green color. * **Not synchronized**: The checklist will be in red. Hovering the mouse over the button will show in more detail the failure that causes the lack of synchronization. ==== How to make a call to the Command Center (Metaconsole) API ==== NG 7.0 version 755 and earlier. The use of the API in the Command Center (Metaconsole) is similar to the use of the same one in any instance. To do this you must first know the username, API password and the definition of the list of IP addresses with access to the API. Once the three elements have been configured, the desired actions can be carried out. {{ :wiki:screnshot_of_api_acl_list_setup.png?direct& }} For more information on API calls visit the following [[:en:documentation:pandorafms:technical_reference:02_annex_externalapi|link]] where we can see more detailed information about the APIs. ==== How check the Command Center (Metaconsole) Database ==== NG 7.0 version 755 and earlier. In order to check that the Command Center (Metaconsole) database is working correctly, we'll place ourselves in a node and perform the following check: mysql –h –u –p Por ejemplo: mysql –h –u root –p pandora metapandora {{ :wiki:sql_meta.png }} ==== How to check if the cache agent is working correctly ==== NG 7.0 version 755 and earlier. In order to be able to check if the cache agent is working correctly, ypu must check the information in the database of the instance and the Command Center (Metaconsole). First of all, go to the instance database and see the information stored inside the Pandora FMS database, in the table ''t_agent'': USE pandora; SELECT * FROM tagente; Afterwards, we will go to the meta console database and we will see the data stored in the table ''tmetaconsole_agent'', where the same data should appear as in the instance. More data will appear depending on how many instances we have referenced in the Command Center (Metaconsole). To be able to filter by console use the field ''servername'' in the table ''tmetaconsole_agent''. ==== How can we see the logs of an instance from the Command Center (Metaconsole) ==== NG 7.0 version 755 and earlier. To be able to observe the logs of an instance from the Command Center (Metaconsole), a report must be created from the Command Center (Metaconsole) to collect the logs. {{ :wiki:log_meta.png?direct& }} [[:en:documentation:start|Go back to Pandora FMS documentation index]]