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SAML Single Sign-On with Pandora FMS

SAML is an open XML-based authentication and authorization standard. Pandora FMS can function as a service provider with its internal SAML identity provider.

Administrators always authenticate against the local database.

Configuring Pandora FMS

It will be necessary to go to Management → Setup → Setup → Authentication y seleccione SAML bajo Authentication method.

Configuring the service provider

To configure the service provider you will need to download SimpleSamlphp and install it in /opt/simplesamlphp/.

It will be necessary to configure an endpoint to manage the authentications at /simplesaml:

ln -s /opt/simplesamlphp/www /var/www/html/simplesaml

You will need to add your SP in /opt/simplesamlphp/config/authsources.php:

'test-sp' => [
       'entityID' => '',
       'idp' => '',

The metadata of the idP:

$metadata[''] = array(
       'name' => array(
           'en' => 'Test IdP',
       'description' => 'Test IdP',
       'SingleSignOnService' => '',
       'SingleLogoutService' => '',
       'certFingerprint' => '119b9e027959cdb7c662cfd075d9e2ef384e445f',

It is recommended to use certificate validation with direct certificate instead of certFingerprint.

It is necessary to make sure that the file /opt/simplesamlphp/lib/_autoload.php exists.

Once simplesamlphp is installed, you can check if the login works directly in SAML. To do this, access the following IP address and select the authentication source.



A login screen like the one below will appear where you will enter a SAML user and password that you have created.


If the login is correct, a summary screen will appear with all the user's attributes.

The guide is also available at SimpleSAMLphp Service Provider QuickStart.

Configuring your identity provider

In order to generate SAML users correctly in Pandora FMS it is necessary to define in each one of them the following identification attributes that appear in the SAML configuration:

http://< IP_ADDRESS >/simplesaml/module.php/core/authenticate.php

In the case of choosing Simple attribute two new fields called Profile attribute and Tag attribute will appear where the names of the SAML attributes that will coincide with the name of the Profile and Tag in Pandora FMS when they are created will be selected.

When Multivalue attribute is selected, an attribute following this format must be used:


Once the attribute in the SAML is created and selected in this way with the configuration in Pandora FMS, the following parameters will be indicated:


It will be necessary to navigate in the Pandora FMS Console and click on the Login button. It will redirect to the identity provider.

After a successful login you will be redirected back to the Pandora FMS Console.

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