List of special days

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Pandora FMS allows you to define lists of special days for holidays and vacations that can be used in the template configuration so that during those days the alerts are not triggered or behave as they would on another day of the week.

For example, for a template that would normally be triggered from Monday to Friday, we can make Saturday, November 20, 2021, behave as if it were a Monday and therefore it can be triggered on that day; or for that same template, we can make Monday, December 6, 2021, behave like a Sunday or a vacation day and therefore cannot be triggered on that day.

Create a special days calendar

As of version 759 of Pandora it is possible to define different calendars of special days, which can be used in different alert templates. By default there will be a calendar called “Default” that cannot be deleted, and we will have the possibility of creating more calendars.

To do this, go to the “Alerts > List of special days” menu and click on the “Create” button to define a new calendar.

A form will be displayed that must be filled in to create the calendar.


Calendar name.


Group to which the calendar will belong.


Description with additional information about the calendar.

Create a special day

To define new special days, you must access an already created calendar and click on the “Create” button or on one of the “+” icons that will be next to the calendar days.

A form will be displayed that must be filled in to create the special day.


The date of the special day. The format is YYYY-MM-DD. To set the same day every year, you can use *-MM-DD.


Select the group to which the special day applies, that is, it will only have an effect on alert templates that use this calendar and belong to this group, or on all templates that use this calendar if the “All” group is chosen.

Same day of the week

The date in the Date field will be treated the same as this day of the week, no matter what day of the week it actually is.

For example, if the indicated date is a Sunday and it is marked to be treated as a Wednesday, each template that uses this calendar would treat this special day as it would any other Wednesday, being able to trigger or not depending on what is configured in the template.

If the date is marked as a holiday, the alerts that use this calendar could not be triggered on this day.


Description with additional information about the calendar.

Once the fields have been filled in, click the Create button. A window will be displayed where we can see the alert templates that would not be triggered on the indicated day with the configuration they have at that time, that is, templates that are marked to use this calendar and that due to their configuration would not be triggered on this day.

Create special days in bulk using an .ics file

Special days can also be created using an iCalendar (.ics) type file. These can be imported at the top of the window. Once imported, the corresponding data will be recorded.

Edit a special day

It is possible to edit the special days created in a calendar.

To edit a special day, click the wrench icon next to the relevant special day.

Once the changes have been made, click the Update button to confirm them. As in the creation, a window will be displayed where we can see the alert templates that would not be triggered on the indicated day.

Delete a special day

To delete a special day, click the trash can icon, located next to the special day within a calendar.

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