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Differences between Templates, Policies and Bulk Operations

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Differences between Templates, Policies and Bulk Operations

The three concepts may seem similar, but in practice they work and have different objectives. This section will explain the differences and how to make correct use of each tool.


The templates allow the creation of a set of Remote Modules in a simple way. When applying the template to an Agent, all the Modules of the template will be created in it, in no case will they delete or modify the existing ones. If, after applying a template, changes are made to it, they will only become effective in the Agents when applying it again: if the Modules already exist in the Agent, they will be created again.

In addition to being useful for creating Modules on Agents that already exist on Pandora, templates can be used to automatically create Modules when running a Recon Task. The application of the templates is done through the Pandora console.

When to use Templates?


Enterprise version.

Policies are an easy way to manage thousands of Agents. They contain all the information to manage (create, delete and modify) any element related to the monitoring of Pandora Agents. Modules, alerts, file collections, inventory modules, plugins and the Agent filter on which the policy will be applied are defined in a policy.

The policies are applied by the Pandora FMS server that creates, deletes or modifies the elements defined in the policy in each of the Agents defined in it simultaneously (in a single application).

When to use the Policies?

Massive Operations

Massive operations allow you to manage Agents, Modules, users, alerts or policies on a large number of those objects. The main difference between Massive Operations, Templates and Policies is that Massive Operations are a tool to manage the different components of Pandora FMS instantly and on the spot, without having to build any type of template or default configurations and that do not need to be used again. They are very useful when you want to make the same change to a large number of Agents, alerts, Modules, etc.


Massive operations are actions that are performed through the Pandora console on each of the monitoring components: agents, modules, alerts, policies, etc.

When to use Bulk Operations?

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