====== Support and Downloads ====== {{indexmenu_n>9}} [[:en:documentation:start| Back to Pandora FMS documentation index]] **Integria IMS** has a **centralized Download environment**, which allows the distribution of files and software releases to its customers and users. All Downloads items must belong to a Category, which may be related to a group. This allows access control of different users. Also, Downloads are categorized into Folders. {{ :wiki:iims-02_support-05_downloads-img010.png }} The first thing we will do is manage Folders and Categories. ===== Folders ===== Download files are grouped into folders. To view the list, click on **Downloads** → **Folders**. From this section we can also create new folders. {{ :wiki:iims-02_support-05_downloads-img020.png }} To create a new folder, we'll give it a name, icon, description, and whether it has a root folder. {{ :wiki:iims-02_support-05_downloads-img030.png }} ===== Categories ===== All the elements that make up a folder have to belong to a category, which means that we will have to have them created before. To do this, click on **Downloads** → **Download Categories** and access the view of the different categories that we have configured. From this same section we can create new categories by clicking on the **Create** button. {{ :wiki:iims-02_support-05_downloads-img040.png }} On the new screen, we'll give the new category a name and assign an icon to it. Click on **Create** to save the changes. In this way, we are adding all the categories to which each of the folders in our system will belong. {{ :wiki:iims-02_support-05_downloads-img050.png }} ===== Downloads ===== When we access the ** Browse ** section of the Downloads menu we will see a list with the different Folders. {{ :wiki:iims-02_support-05_downloads-img060.png }} To add new items, just select **Add Files** and a view like this will be displayed. {{ :wiki:iims-02_support-05_downloads-img070.png }} Where you can select any of the files that are in the repository, or select a file from another location with the option **Search by file**. Once the file has been selected by either of the two possible paths, a new dialog will be displayed where we will select the category to which the file belongs, its folder and if we want to generate a public link. Through this link you can access the download of the file without having to be logged in. {{ :wiki:iims-02_support-05_downloads-img080.png }} ===== Access Management ===== The objective of this section is to relate the categories that we have created within Downloads, with the different groups configured in the **Integria IMS** system. {{ :wiki:iims-02_support-05_downloads-img090.png }} In this way, we achieve a folder access control system, since an element that belongs to a category is assigned a set of groups (one or more) that define the users who may or may not have access to said element. {{ :wiki:iims-02_support-05_downloads-img100.png }} [[:en:documentation:start| Back to Pandora FMS documentation index]]