Cloud Foundry has a container-based architecture that runs applications in any programming language. For its administration it organizes the containers in Organizations,Spaces and Apps. With PandoraFMS Plugin we will be able to obtain information through the API using...
Plugin for Redis database monitoring. See all the metrics that are obtained from the execution of the plugin in its documentation. Only enterprise users can view the download links.
Plugin for hadoop cluster monitoring. The cluster prototype is a Namenode and its Datanodes. This plugin consults the Namenode, obtains its metrics and afterwards checks which Datanodes depend on it and its metrics too. All possible customizable metrics can be...
Pandora FMS plugin for Elasticsearch allows you to monitor your Elasticsearch servers. The plugin performs the following monitoring: Disk_indices Disk_used Document_count Elasticsearch_status Elastic_port_Connections ELK_Cpu_use ELK_Memory_use Index_size...
Important Notice: This plugin is no longer actively maintained or updated. We strongly advise you to explore alternative plugins available in our library for the latest features and support. This server plugin allow to get the number all new emails received in our...