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Plugin to manage tickets for your Redmine projects.
Compatibility matrix
Systems where it has been tested CentOS 7, Fedora Systems where it should work Any linux system
Pre requisites
Required: Enable rest web services in redmine * Python3 * Module requests * In the binary version of the plugin it is not necessary to install these dependencies, since they are already included in the plugin.
Web service rest must be enabled to use the plugin as it communicates with the API. To get to this menu, click on administration, then on configuration and finally on authentication. The API token can be seen in "my account": * Remember that to creat...
Parameters Method -m post,put o delete host -i, --ip site redmine token -t token API project id -p id project ticket id -tid ticket id subject -s subject description -d description priority id -pi priority status id -st state assi...
Create ticket
Necessary arguments -m (post) -i (host) -t (token) -p (project id) -s (subject) -d (description) -pi (priority id) -st (status id) -a (asigned to id) Example manual execution ./pandora_redmine -m post -i -t <token>...
Update ticket
Necessary arguments -m (post) -i (host) -t (token) -p (project id) -tid (ticket id) -s (subject) -d (description) -pi (priority id) -st (status id) -a (asigned to id) Example manual execution ./pandora_redmine -m put -tid 1 -i http://pandorap....
Delete ticket
It will be eliminated by searching the request by id. Example manual execution: ./pandora_redmine -m delete -tid 2 -i -t <token>
Cloud Foundry tiene una arquitectura basada en contenedores que ejecuta aplicaciones en cualquier lenguaje de programación. Para su administración organiza los contenedores en Organizaciones, Espacios y Apps. Con el Plugin de PandoraFMS podremos obtener info...
Matriz de compatibilidad
Probado en entorno Pivotal Cloud Foundry
Pre requisitos
Para el correcto funcionamiento de este plugin es necesario que se instale la herramientaCF CLI en el servidor donde se vaya a ejecutar el plugin y la libreria PandoraFMS::PluginTools. Esta librería está disponible con la instalación del paquete Pandora FMS O...
Configuración del plugin
Dentro del fichero de configuración del plugin deben indicarse los siguientes parámetros: #Ejemplo parámetros plugin Cloud Foundry api_url username [email protected] password password organization Artica space development # Pando...
Ejecución manual
Este plugin se puede lanzar como plugin de agente ( module_plugin cloud_foundry.conf ) o bien como plugin de servidor añadiendolo a la lista de plugins de igual modo a la ejecución manual que se explica más abajo. Ejecución del plugin: ...
Módulos generados por el plugin
La ejecución estándar de este plugin devolverá los siguientes módulos por defecto: Se crearán los siguientes agentes: - Un agente por organización con los siguientes módulos:StatusMem usage %- Un agente por espacio con los siguientes módulos:Mem Usage %App C...
Cloud Foundry has a container-based architecture that runs applications in any programming language. For its administration it organizes the containers in Organizations, Spaces and Apps.With PandoraFMS Plugin we will be able to obtain information through the A...
Compatibility matrix
Tested in Pivotal Cloud Foundry environment
For the correct operation of this plugin it is necessary to install the CF CLI tool and the Pandora FMS::PluginTools library in the server where the plugin are going to be executed.This library is available with the installation of the Pandora FMS OpenSource p...
Plugin configuration
The following parameters must be specified in the plugin configuration file: #Ejemplo parámetros plugin Cloud Foundry api_url username [email protected] password password organization Artica space development # Pandora Server con...
Manual execution
This plugin can be launched as an agent plugin ( module_plugin cloud_foundry.conf ) or as a server plugin adding it to the list of plugins in the same way as the manual execution explained below.Plugin execution: ./ ...
Modules generated by the plugin
The standard execution of this plugin will return the following modules by default:The following agents will be created:One agent per organization with the following modules:StatusMem usage %One agent per space with the following modules:Mem Usage %App CountSe...