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Este es un ejemplo de archivo de configuración: #===============================================...

Updated 1 year ago by alejandro.sanchez



● Una instalación db2.● Perl.● Lista de aplicaciones a monitorizar.● Listado de procesos a monito...

Updated 1 year ago by alejandro.sanchez

Matriz de compatibilidad


Sistemas donde ha sido probado​: Linux.Sistemas donde funciona​: Linux, Unix.Sistemas en los que ...

Updated 1 year ago by alejandro.sanchez



El objetivo principal de este documento es describir la monitorización de sistemas DB2 basada en ...

Updated 1 year ago by alejandro.sanchez

Modules generated by the plugin

HPVM HP Virtualization Manager monitoring

Parameters monitored by the plugin (grouped by element type):Server agent (which launches the plu...

Updated 1 year ago by alejandro.sanchez

Manual execution

HPVM HP Virtualization Manager monitoring

The Pandora FMS HPVM plugin could be deployed as described next:Configure the as_agent_plugin ​to...

Updated 1 year ago by alejandro.sanchez


HPVM HP Virtualization Manager monitoring

In the configuration file of the Pandora FMS HPVM plugin you can specify the following parameters...

Updated 1 year ago by alejandro.sanchez


HPVM HP Virtualization Manager monitoring

The plugin requires the following:● A Pandora FMS agent in the the system● A valid user allowed t...

Updated 1 year ago by alejandro.sanchez

Compatibility matrix

HPVM HP Virtualization Manager monitoring

Systems where it has been tested​: HP-UX B.11.31Systems where it works​: HP-UX

Updated 1 year ago by alejandro.sanchez


HPVM HP Virtualization Manager monitoring

This plugin monitors HPVM virtualization systems. It could be launched as agent plugin or server ...

Updated 1 year ago by alejandro.sanchez

Módulos generados por el plugin

HPVM HP Virtualization Manager monitoring

Los parámetros que monitoriza el plugin son (agrupados por tipo de elemento):Agentes servidor (qu...

Updated 1 year ago by alejandro.sanchez

Ejecución manual

HPVM HP Virtualization Manager monitoring

En el plugin de Pandora FMS para la monitorización de sistemas virtualizados, HP-UX se despliega ...

Updated 1 year ago by alejandro.sanchez


HPVM HP Virtualization Manager monitoring

El fichero de configuración del plugin Pandora FMS para la monitorización de servidores de virtua...

Updated 1 year ago by alejandro.sanchez


HPVM HP Virtualization Manager monitoring

Los requisitos para la monitorización que deben cumplirse son:● Desplegar un agente de Pandora FM...

Updated 1 year ago by alejandro.sanchez

Matriz de compatibilidad

HPVM HP Virtualization Manager monitoring

Sistemas donde se ha probado​: HP-UX B.11.31Sistemas donde funciona​: HP-UX

Updated 1 year ago by alejandro.sanchez


HPVM HP Virtualization Manager monitoring

Este plugin permite monitorizar equipos de virtualización HPVM. Se lanza como un plugin de agente...

Updated 1 year ago by alejandro.sanchez


Oracle VM enterprise plugin

The plugin configuration file "​ovm-plugin​" is divided into blocks (all configuration parameters...

Updated 1 year ago by alejandro.sanchez

Modules generated by the plugin

Oracle VM enterprise plugin

The execution of this plugin will generate the following agents and modules:●An agent for Oracle ...

Updated 1 year ago by alejandro.sanchez

Manual execution

Oracle VM enterprise plugin

To run the plugin configure the configuration file "​ovm-plugin.conf​" according to the above ins...

Updated 1 year ago by alejandro.sanchez


Oracle VM enterprise plugin

Connection with the Tentacle service associated to your Pandora FMS server is required.The deploy...

Updated 1 year ago by alejandro.sanchez