Recently Updated Pages
Alert Setup
As indicated before, alerts in Pandora FMS are made up by 3 parts: Command, Action and Template. ...
Server Setup
For the correct functioning of the email command, it is necessary to configure in pandora_server....
Of course, more advanced tasks can be carried out, such as alerts on events, correlation, etc. Th...
Monitoring a TCP Network Service
In this case we are going to add monitoring to verify that an SMTP (email) service is active on a...
Network Packet Loss
Remote plugins are user-defined checks that use a script or a program that was deployed on Pandor...
Interface Network Traffic
For that it is imperative for SNMP to be configured on the remote device. This usually needs to b...
Checking detected systems
Wait for the whole network to be detected. Once finished, access the agent detail view (left...
Creating a scanning task
In the side menu go to the Management → Discovery → Host&Devices section. Click Net Scan, this wi...
Starting the Enterprise Server
This section is for Enterprise version users only. If you wish to evaluate a demo, please contact...
Enterprise License Activation
This section is only for Enterprise version users. If you wish to request a demo, please contact ...
First Steps
Once installed, the system should boot up and, after a few seconds, display the terminal to log i...
Pandora FMS Monolith Environment (server/console/database)
This installation method is particularly useful when the environment is hosted by cloud providers...
The purpose of this guide is to introduce you to Pandora FMS in a quick and concise way, to someo...
The community forum is open to anyone, you can create an account and ask: https://pandorafms.c...
Configuration files and diagnostic information sources
The main configuration files that we may need to modify or review are the following: /etc/pand...
Other advanced parameters
The configuration of a module is very flexible, with dozens of possibilities. In the Pandora FMS ...
Advanced threshold parameters
The box Inverse interval is used to define non-contiguous ranges. In this example, the module wil...
Configuration of the thresholds of a module
In this section you can configure the thresholds Warning and Critical for a module;module with th...
Setting the interval of a module
Configuring or modifying the module interval defines how often the module runs. This affects remo...
Configuration of the units of a module
Allows defining the units of the data obtained in a module. This unit will be included in graphs ...